part sixteen - moving on to better things

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Every moment with Max after that was priceless, it wasn't long till they did get married legally. It was nothing big, she didn't enjoy big weddings. But it was what she wanted, and that was Max. Along with the love and security he brought with him.

How couldn't she love a man for how safe and protected he made her feel? How wanted? He treated her in a way that she couldn't very well explain without saying perfect.

Sometimes he was moody, but she'd fix that right away. He was stubborn sometimes tho, too stubborn for his own good. It'd get to the point where she would get stubborn as well and they'd be at a stand still. But one of them always cracked first and would apologize for their behavior, they didn't yell or scream at each other. It was always silent arguments that would result with them apologizing and loving each other even more than they did before.

Tessa's hate for anything was arguing, she hated the throwing, the yelling, the crying and screaming. She had gone through a great chunk of her life watching her parents go through that, at a time even she acted like that. Picking on her siblings and instigating fights that shouldn't happen. But she caught on quickly that what she was doing wasn't right, she shouldn't go down the same path as her parents. That would only bring her a life full of misery and regrets.

Which is why she was glad for their silent arguments and stubbornness, she'd rather have that than anything else. She loved Max and wouldn't ever change a thing about him, not even that. It's part of what makes him, him.

After they got married, they tried putting off the child milestone in their relationship. But with the way they were glued at each other's sides constantly, it was impossible to prevent it from not happening at all. Of course, there was always a slip up.

But it hadn't happened, yet.

Currently they were both just living peacefully, now newly weds, Tessa expected to feel different after taking his name and now being legally tied to him. But she didn't, she felt the same, her feelings for Max didn't change. They just magnified ten fold and stayed where they were, his place in her heart grew larger.

Now he was her husband, and it was her duty to support him and take care of him. To be there for him always and love him constantly. This was no difficult task considering she was already trying to do that before they even got married.

They both looked for online courses to take while they stayed in Arizona for a while, he ventured down his own path of classes while she pursued her dreams of having a criminal justice degree. To be able to accomplish college was a big deal for her, to take the next step and try for her dream job was humongous.

They worked side by side, helping each other as their classes went along. It was somewhat exhausting, but grew fairly easy which she got the gist of how online classes worked.

On one particular night, she had gone out to the store. Collecting necessities for their small abode, the usual toilet paper and snacks. The way back home was smooth and when she walked into the house, she was surprised to see Max home earlier than usual and sitting on the couch watching TV.

This caused her to pause, she wasn't use to seeing Max home early like this. But she recovered quickly and just counted her blessings that she was able to live another day with him. She didn't even put everything away as she set them in the kitchen, promising herself that'd she'd do it later.

Going to the couch, she nudged him to raise his arms as she turned and slid into his lap. Finding herself to be quite comfy, glancing towards the TV. Her eyes became glued to a familiar movie called Starship Troopers, she has watched that so many times before, but it never got old.

As his arms circled her and tightened, he set his chin on the top of her head. Focused on the movie, but also rubbing small circles on her skin with his thumb. It calmed her to the point that she thought it might put her to sleep if he kept it up.

"Tessa." He muttered, eyes still focused on the screen. She made a small noise that resembled a what, don't get her wrong. She had spoken. But it was a bit incoherent considering the fact she was enjoying him touching her at that moment.

"So, I was thinking. And I want kids. With you." Always straight to the point, it was something she appreciated about him. But this was also a shock to her, it stopped her from lulling off and she sat straighter in his lap. "Are you... Serious?"

"You already know the answer to that." He sounded exasperated with my answer, but she could hear the smile in his voice. Max knew this was what she wanted.

She couldn't stop the huge smile that took over her features. And she turned around in his lap so that she straddled him now, "I was waiting for the day you'd say that to me." Her voice was overly excited and inside she felt like she was going to burst, Max had managed to fulfill so many of her own goals. To have a family, get married, settle down, to be with who she considered her Highschool sweetheart. This was her dream of a perfect life.

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