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James was really nice. Although he had to go back to work quickly, we talked for a little while and he appeared to be really kind. He seemed so simple, just enjoying life as it was. He told me he had one year more than me, so he already had finished school, lucky. When he needed to go, he asked for my number, which surprised me but I could feel a warm spreading in my bones. I liked it. I gave him, of course. When I got back home, the joy he shared with me started to fade, and I thought about this Chloe thing again. I was almost sleeping when I heard my phone buzzing. I took it and the too bright light blinded me. I really needed to remember to put my phone on the "do not disturb" mode if I wanted to get some decent nights of sleep.

Hey Clary, it's James. I really enjoyed our little talk, what do you think about going out tomorrow ? 

My heart started beating really, really, really fast. He asked me to go out, this awesome guy actually wanted to go out with me.

Hey James, I would love to. I finish school at 12pm (somehow), we could eat something together ?

Perfect ! I could pick you up at your school, if you want ?

No problem! I'll send you the address, see you tomorrow, goodnight James :)

Night, Clary x

Here we were ! I was smiling like an idiot, happiness taking over me. My head was full of thoughts and there were butterflies in my stomach, in the good way, again. I probably wouldn't be able to sleep before a while. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

After taking my breakfast, I just sat on my bed, thinking about what clothes I should wear. I didn't want to be overdressed, plus it was a school day so no dresses or skirts. I was really not confident enough to show a part of my body to strangers, it made me feel very uncomfortable, all day long. "Am I too fat ? Is it too short ? Do they see too much when I sit ?" I would ask myself these questions all day. Anyway, I didn't want to look to like today was my lazy day, so no big cosy sweaters. I already knew I was going to wear my black pants, I always wore them so no changes here. But I couldn't find what else to wear. I was nervous. A guy invited me to go out, I aspired to not be disappointing, I wanted to do things right so we could have a great time. I rummaged in my wardrobe and eventually, I threw on a back shirt, with white little polka-dots on it. I think it belonged to my father as it was quite big. I rolled up my sleeves and here I was, all ready to go. Almost. I put some eyeshadows quickly before hurrying myself out.

Just as I arrived to the classroom, I ran to the seat in the back of the classroom. Facing Chloe was not in my priorities. She stepped in the room, not even bothering to take a glance at me. I felt sad, my eyes burnt. I shut them. "Clary, you're not a cry baby." I breathed to myself.

"Oh really ? I thought you were when I saw you crying yesterday." A voice said right next to me. Him. He was wearing a denim jacket with sheepskin on his collar and the end of his sleeves, a white tee and black jeans. He looked great. Ok, get back to the point Clary, he saw me crying though. He saw me like that.

"How nice of you." I felt the anger rising. He knew something went wrong yesterday and he joked about it. Maybe he really is a jerk. He sat down next to me with all his weight and stared at me.

"I know I know, sometimes I'm too kind." Another arrogant guy. "So, what happened to your pretty eyes ? Oh, by the way, make up looks good on you." He smiled. My heart stops beating for a second. He noticed it. Again, it wasn't the point. He appeared to be hard to get. One second he was arrogant, the other he cared about me.

"I-, thank you. Nothing, nothing has happened." I turned my eyes upon Chloe furtively. Or not, since Bradley turned his head to her. He raised his eyebrows.

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