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hellooooo, um, if the story is going a bit too fast in the time, tell me. I'll make some changes, but tbh I don't want to stay too long in the same period. But that's your opinion that counts so tell me :) don't forget to vote and comment x

"Hey you." Bradley was about to sit next to me when he put a hand on the back of my neck and kissed my head. "Feeling better ?" I widened eyes. Did he really did that, in front of all our classroom, where everyone could see us ? He did, and I couldn't help but feeling a bit embarrassed. I didn't want someone to ask me question about him, about us. There was not even an "us", it wasn't like we were a thing yet, was it ? Plus, it was almost winter break, I probably wouldn't see him for a while. Maybe he was going to forget me, find someone prettier, someone less hung-up, funnier, someone more like him. He dropped his bag on the table and sat, smiling at me. I found him so beautiful when he smiled. He always looked so genuinely happy, joyful, just enjoying life.

"Yeah..." I smiled back at him, shyly. I didn't know why I still felt shy with him. Usually, when I start to know someone, I become someone else, a lot less shy, more smiley, more relax. But somehow, I felt like I was not ready to show him this part of me yet. Not that I didn't want to, but I didn't fully understand why he was interested by me and I felt like it was stopping me. I didn't want to show him what I was really made of and at the end being rejected. He kept his hand on the back of my neck, gently playing with my hair. I felt shivers running down my spine. His hands were cold. I closed my eyes. This sensation wasn't bad, not at all. I kind of liked it. I opened them when he took his hand off my neck, taking his phone in his black jeans' pocket. He quickly tapped something on his phone and put it back in his pocket. I crossed my arms on the table and put my head on them. We were going to watch a movie today in class, so I was just planning on sleeping. I observed him from here. His lips were so thin but yet so attractive. I could see his jawline from here and I had never noticed that it was quite distinct. I was sure you could see his muscle being tensed, when they were. I wanted to touch it, to draw it in my mind, to kiss it. His little eyes were definitely the thing I loved the most. He looked tired today, he had little bags under his eyes. Did he had some trouble to sleep ? His curly brown hair were falling on his forehead. It was wet, he probably washed it this morning. Again, I wanted to run my hand through it, feel it on my skin. He caught me looking at him and locked his eyes on mine. I couldn't escape him, I was like a prisoner of his look. His beautiful look, seemed full of kindness. A little smiled formed on his face and he stretched his hand to me, replacing a strand of hair which was falling on my face behind my ear, bringing my ear and earrings out. I closed my eyes at his touch, enjoying the sensation of his finger on my skin. I don't remember what happened next, everything around me had disappeared.

"Clary, wake up." someone whispered in my ear. "Wake up now." I opened my eyes, being blind by the abundant light. I narrowed my eyes to see Bradley. There was a lot of noise around us. "It's over. You slept all along." He giggled and I stood up right.

"D-did I ?" He nodded and smiled a little.

"You were cute, I didn't want to wake you." I blushed and he gave me a wink. My head was still a bit dizzy, but I needed to go to my next lesson. Bradley left me and started talking and walking away with some other guys from the class. They were looking at me weirdly, giving me sidelong glance. I didn't like that at all. One of them literally scanned me. Someone else was looking at me, or should I say glaring at me. Chloe. Her eyes were full of anger, and... jealousy ? Was she jealous of me because of Bradley did ? She might be. She had quite a big crush on him when he came here. I wondered if they hang out, if they talked a lot, if Bradley found her attractive. She turned her head away when she saw me looking at her and walked out of the room, with her two henchmen. Sometimes it felt like she was their henchman though, which made me quite happy because I felt like she eventually knew the way I felt when I was with her : useless, uninteresting, lonely.

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