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"Mum, dad, I have something important to tell you." They both stopped what they were doing, reading the newspaper for my mum and playing games on his phone and eating for my dad, and looked at me, confused. My dad was always eating something, just like me, even if we ate one hour ago. "I decided that I needed a job." They gave each other sidelong looks and tried to restrain a laugh. "Hey ! I'm being serious, I want to make my own money, I want to be independent !"

"Search one then, but aren't you too young to work ?"

"No ! I'm 16 mum, not 10, I'm sure I can find something to do after school. But can I ? I mean are you okay with it ?"

"Yeah, why not." My dad shrugged. "As long as you don't come home too late, that the employer isn't a psychopath, that your grades don't tumble..." He looked at mum and she nodded. "We're okay with that." He said, but he was clearly trying to discourage me. I was sure I could find a little job with a great employer, couldn't I ? I wasn't going to give up now. "Why do you want money anyway ? You know you can ask us if you need something."

"I know, I know, but I want to buy things on my own. Spencer, Ash and I talked last night and we decided to find a job to save money and to go to this music festival in the summer, in Liverpool..." I waited for their reactions.

"Clary..." My dad groaned. "You know what we think about music festivals."

"Yes, but I swear there's no risk ! I'll be with the girls if we go and you both know we're responsible, we'll be careful, I promise ! Please, say yes..." I begged them. I really wanted to go to this festival with them and their parents have already said yes. "You won't have to pay anything, that's why we want these jobs, so we can make it on our own. Please, please..." I turned my head to my mum and I knew she was okay with that, she knew that I was not a child anymore and that I wouldn't do anything stupid. My dad knew it too, but it wasn't the same, he was more afraid for me, I guessed. He always saw negatives things before positives ones.

"I'm alright with it, as long as you promise us that you'll be really careful and to call us if there's anything wrong." I jumped in my mum's arms.

"Thank you ! Thank you mum, I promise I will !" I kissed her cheek and she shook her head, smiling. "Dad ?" He had this expression of disagreement. Shit, he was going to say no.

"Come on Andrew, we've been young too, you know how she feels." My mum said and she knew she had scored a point as my dad licked and bit his lips. He does that when he weights the pros and cons. He looked back at us and I looked at him with puppy eyes. He sighed, defeated.

"Alright, alright, you can go if you find a job." I jumped in his arms and hugged him tightly. "And you need to have corrects grades. Did I make myself clear ?"

"Yes ! Yes, thank you so much dad !" I was jumping around, too happy and excited to stay calm.

"Yeah, you'll thank me when you have a job. Now go to bed, you have school tomorrow." I nodded and smiled one last time at them. I went upstairs and slumped on my bed. It felt so good, probably the best part of the day. I'll search for a job on Saturday, which was in only two days. Yesterday, Brad came back to school and everything was alright. Thomas looked at me a couple of times oddly but Brad told me to just ignore him, so that's what I did. He was still a bit sick but he came anyway, although he didn't go out after school, he said he was super tired. I was a bit disappointed, I wanted to be with him more, but I knew he needed to rest. I'll ask him if he wants to do something this week end, I didn't know what yet, since it was pretty cold outside, but I'll find. Honestly, whatever we did, I knew it would be fine just because I'll get to spend time with him. I quickly changed into pajamas and lied down on my bed. Ah, the love of my life, I love you. I laughed at my thoughts and closed my eyes, immediately falling asleep.

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