Chapter 33 - The Third Watchtower

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CHAPTER 33 - The Third Watchtower

The sun was still half in the sky and bleed vivid colour.  The figures still ducked and weaved with no gain.  Nothing looked different, which in itself was a bizarre thing to think.

I was about to turn away and question what exactly I was looking for, when a flash of light caught my attention. 

A burning mass fell from the sky. 

What was that?  What just burst into flames?  Was it a weapon of some sort?

I quickly glanced at Aze.  His expression was smug.  Whatever it was it must be good, for us.

A frightful scream split the air.

That thing, that burning thing, just hit the surface of the lake.

Hell.  Did those screams come from it?  Was it... was it alive?  Was it...?

Then another burst of flames flared against the sunset.  This one contorted itself in flame as it spiralled falling into a tree near the shore.  The tree instantly burst into flame despite its green foliage. 

“What...?  Are they...?” I couldn’t quite ask - I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

Aze grin was audible and his whole demeanour oozed a sort of satisfied glee that made my stomach turn given what I suspected.

“They are running out of his blood,” Aze eyes were alive and he laughed bitterly.  “The sun is technically still up, there is enough UV light and they are burning.”

Scott wrapped his arm around me pulling me away from Aze.

Are you alright?  This isn’t pretty.  He sounded concerned.

 This is sort of what we do my Irin. I can’t afford not to have the stomach for it. But thank you it’s sweet that you want to protect me from the combusting vampires.

I quickly kissed him as I tried to convince myself that I could deal with this.  This was our future – right?  This was what we signed up to do? 

I wrapped my arms around his waist and watched the exploding vampire fireworks from the comfort of his chest, all the while telling myself that this was necessary.

 Suddenly the vampires made an inhuman noise that had me covering my ears and then with a blur they were gone. 

“Definitely seven, but there might be more before they reach cover,” Aze laughed without humour. “Angel let Dad know that he won’t need so many place settings at the dinner table.”

Jari, they are retreating.

Great, tell Tur that the bar’s closed here so they will have to go elsewhere for a pint.

Suddenly the boat moved we turned to the front of the boat and balanced on the bow was a beautiful wingless man.  He was of course perfect in every way, being Egregore, and wore little more than a loin cloth so his muscular form was fully on display.   His face was stunning with his high cheek bones and soft caramel coloured hair that hung down in a long fringe and softly floated about his shoulders.  The colours of the sunset reflected on his skin making him glow a soft golden colour.   I couldn’t see much else but I was sure that I caught the glimmer of green from his eyes. 

He confidently balanced as he walked along the narrow edge to neatly spring down landing on the balls of his feet within the boat.  

Then he bowed his head to me, “It is a great honour...”

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