Chapter 6 - The Lake

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CHAPTER 6 - The Lake

Eight hours later they released me from hospital with nothing more than a couple of aspirin and, as expected, a reason not to participate.  My Mother was grinding her teeth as we drove home.  Not only did she hate hospitals but she had missed her favourite sit-com and that was pretty much more than I was worth. 

“I'm not dead yet” I texted Geoff my favourite Monty Python quote as soon as we left the hospital.  He would get the humour.

“LOL can fix that”

My mother flinched as the phone indicated the incoming text so I wasn’t going to risk her wraith by texting back to him.  But once we got inside I rang.

“Hey Nobody, rumour has it that you OD on steroids or some sort of stimulant.  So what sort of coke was in your can at Lunch hey?”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence Geoff!”

“Just warning you, Kirsty was suggesting that the paper investigate you.  The next couple of weeks are going to be challenging.  If I was you I would start preparing your come back lines tonight.”

 Great.   Geoff was right but for some reason I couldn’t think of anything witty to say I was just too damn tired.   

I dissolved into my favourite vampire novel.  I was my comfort food.  I let my mind wrap around the characters and my imagination draw me in.  If only life was that simple.  Girl meets gorgeous, perfect, sensitive guy who just happens to be a vampire but who cares because he is lovely.  He sweeps her off her feet and they fall in love, instantly, then he turns into the perfect gentleman, and a regular vampire guardian angel. 

            I must have fallen asleep somewhere in the middle of this because I woke up with my head resting against something hard and warm.

            “This is rubbish!” said a voice into my hair, “Complete crap!”

            I instantly jerked away from the figure reclining in my bed.

            “What the... Jari what are you doing?”

            He smiled the most alluring smile as he waved my vampire novel at me, which was in one of his hands.  His other arm was wrapped around my waist securing me tightly to his chest.

            “Do you really like this?  Unbelievable!  It’s propaganda that’s what it is!”

            “Why are you in my bed?”  I narrowed my eyes at him as I did a quick inventory of my clothing.  Yep, I was still fully dressed.

            He laughed. “Cosy isn’t it!” then he sighed, “Don’t worry you are safe.  But I brought you a present.”

            I eyed him warily.  “I don’t want what you are giving.”

            He laughed again.  “Of anyone I have ever met, you would benefit most from what I have to give!  Lighten up Natalie.  Enjoy life.  You take everything far too seriously.”  He nodded his head to the end of the bed where an expensive paper bag sat.  It had ribbons for handles and looked very boutique-y.

            “I figured that expecting you to have anything sexy in your wardrobe was asking too much so I got you something.”

            “Sexy? You brought me clothing?” I clenched my teeth as I imagined the slutty outfit he would have picked.  “Why?  What’s going on?”

            “Well if we are going out on Friday night I just figured you might want to look hot.”

            “Why? What are you talking about Jari?”

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