Chapter 31 - Panic at the Disco

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CHAPTER 31 - Panic at the Disco

We hopped a taxi to a busy dusk-to-dawn Nightclub.  The long waiting line meant nothing to Aze, he just walked up to the doorman whispered something too low to be overheard and we were ushered straight in.   The place was packed.  Aze directed us to the VIP area and again the barriers were lifted immediately.

“What now?” I asked above the throb of the music as we settled into one of the leather sofa’s.

“Now we dance!” Aze grabbed me pulling me back up and dragged me to the dance floor.

Aze danced like he was on Viagra so it wasn’t long before Scott ripped me away from the bumping and grinding.  Aze pouted for all of 3 seconds but the six or seven girls who moved in to take my place soon distracted him.  Scott arms encircled me and he held me tightly.

“Mine,” was all I heard as he kissed my neck and slow danced with me irrespective of the music.

I relaxed.  There was something so beautiful about being in his arms.  I felt secure and invincible.  I closed my eyes and remembered the last time we had been a nightclub.  I remembered how miserable I had been and then he was there and how he had kissed me then declared his love to me.  Now I loved him.  I had almost lost him and I knew then that I loved him enough to forgive him.  We belonged together. 

I lifted my face from against his chest and looked up to find his eyes on me.  His gaze was intense and his lips moved.  I couldn’t hear the words but he was clearly saying the same words he had told me last time. 

“I love you too,” my words were eaten by the music as well but from the expression on his face he understood what I said.   

He kissed me and my arms snaked around his neck as I kissed him back.  We stood in the centre of the dance floor, surrounded by bodies moving to the beat, lost in each other as we kissed.  I hardly noticed anything else until I heard a familiar voice.

“No dark corners.  Stay visible.”

Our lips parted suddenly.  Adam stood in front of us with a firm grip of Scott’s arm and was frowning at him.  I looked around to get my bearings.  We were off the dance floor and Scott was half carrying me as we kissed.  It was clear that we were headed for the back corner of the room.  Confused I looked into his eyes.  Scott gave me a small sad and slightly apologetic smile before we turned and followed Adam back to the VIP area. 

Adam kept a sharp eye on us for the rest of the night making sure that we did not go any further than the dance floor.  Aze on the other hand went on a number of recognisant missions to scope the dark recesses, always accompanied by a girl.  When I teased him he just laughed and said that it was a rough dirty job but someone had to do it!  Adam just rolled his eyes.

Scott and I were on the dance floor wrapped around each other dancing slowly when I saw her.  It was probably about 3.30 or 4ish in the morning and the club was starting to empty.  There were a series of low broad steps with tables on going up towards the central bar.  Leaning against a railing away from the pulsing lights was a face I recognised.

Heads up team, Beatrice second step far left.  She’s doing the little black dress thing.

I lifted my face and kissed Scott passionately, staking my claim.

She slinked out onto the dance floor moving seductively to the music.

“Good to see you are not pining for Jariel, sorry didn’t catch your name?” 

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