Chapter Eight - Girl Time

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        Your eyes slowly fluttered open as you began to wake up from your drug induced sleep. You rubbed your (e/c) hues tiredly before you stretched your stiff muscles. Your gaze wondered around your room. A new picture sat on the wall to your left. The sudden realization that this was not your bedroom hit you like a brick. Your eyes shifted down to your waist. A pair of arms were wrapped around you, holding you in place tightly. Your eyes soon met with half lidded magenta ones.

        "Go back to sleep mia principessa..." Luciano mumbled into the crook of your neck and part of your shoulder, which he was using as a pillow of sorts.

        You panicked at his close proximity to your neck. You tried to move around frantically, but the prince only tightened his grip. He shifted his mouth up to your ear.

        "Stop moving..." he sighed, his cold breath tickling your sensitive skin. "It's too early for struggling, and it's not like I'm hurting you..."

        He was right. He wasn't hurting you at all. His grip was no longer one of iron as his arms limply hung around your waist. He was basically just snuggling you at this point. You had to admit, he looked freaking adorable cuddled up next to you. He didn't seem threatening at all anymore with his relaxed expression, messy hair, and to top it off, his lips were slightly parted. Now, if seeing the almighty future king of the vampires in such an adorably vulnerable state didn't make you fall for him, then what could? Ah, yes, the tips of his fangs were poking out over the top of his lower lip. That should do the trick. What you didn't know was that Luciano was doing all these darling things on purpose. He knew know woman couldn't resist the adorableness and attractiveness of him when he was awake, but when he was tired like he was now, they were like putty in his hands.

        You internally died a little from how cute he looked. You wouldn't admit it aloud, or even dare to think it near any vampire, especially him, but you did find him attractive. There was no doubt about it. He had everything a girl could want in a guy. He had money, power, and a caring personality, sorta. Despite your possible feelings for the vampire prince, you still didn't like how he was invading your person space without really getting your permission. You stayed still until you presumed he fell asleep. You carefully attempted to remove his arms and slip out of bed. You were at the edge of the mattress when you felt the bed shift on his side.

        Luciano sighed once more as he sat up and got out of the bed. He walked over to the large double doors and rapped his knuckles against the one. You noticed he was only wearing pajama pants and presumably underwear. The door eventually opened ever so slightly and the Prince moved his face to the opening. He whispered something to whoever was on the other side, and closed the door once he was finished talking. He walked back over to his bed and sat next to you. You tried to scoot away, but he placed his hand on top of yours, causing you to freeze in place. He was being oddly gentle with his touch, which unnerved you a bit. Luciano pulled you to him and gave you a side hug, his arm wrapped around your shoulders.

        "You'll be going to a separate room for the day," Luciano spoke into your hair.

        "What?" you asked, slightly flabbergasted.

        "You're personal maids from now on are on their way to come and retrieve you as we speak. They will take you to a different room for the day so I can sleep and finishing planning and arranging the festivities for tonight. As much as I'd like for you to sleep with me at the moment, I'm not going to push you to do so. I know what it's like to want privacy and alone time."

        "Wait, what festivities?"

        "That's for me to know and for you to find out bella. I will suggest taking a nap before six this evening though. You're going to need all of your energy to keep up with everyone and me."

For Eternity (Vampire! 2p! Italy x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon