Chapter Twenty-two - The Cold Shoulder Returns

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        "Alright (y/n)! Are you ready to see your completed dress?" Flavio asked excited.

        "Yeah. Do I have to try it it?" you responded.

        "Of course you do! I need to make sure it fits you!"

        "Alright. Let's get that over with then."

        Flavio ducked out of his personal studio and left you sitting on the white leather couch. You toyed with a few strands of your hair as you waited for him to come back. The door opened, causing you to look up from your lap. It was Luciano, wearing his usual outfit but with his boots and a black waistcoat. He stalked over to you and took a seat next to you on the coach before planting a chaste kiss to your lips. You looked back down to your hands in your lap, not even bothering to say hello to him. He grabbed the hand closest to him, intertwining his fingers with yours while partially turning his body to face you better.

         "Did you get my note?" he asked quietly.

        "Yes," you responded in the same tone as him, still not sparing him a second glance.

        "Look bella," he said as he placed two fingers gently under your chin and turned your head to face him. "I know that you are used to me waking you up now, but an emergency arose and it needed my immediate attention. I can't give you the details right now. I just need you to know that it was necessary for me to leave you so abruptly this morning."

        "It's fine."

        "(Y/n), you're not lying to me, are you? If it bothers you, you need to tell me."

        "No, it's fine, really."

        Luciano looked into your eyes sternly, scanning your facial features for any sign of deceit or untruthfulness. He attempted to read your thoughts, raking through your mind trying to hear something. He heard nothing though. Your mind was completely and utterly silent.

        "She's blocking me out... Something is bothering her, and it's not me not being there when she woke up this morning. So I know it's severe enough for her to want to blockade her thoughts off from me, but what is it?" Luciano thought.

        And indeed something that wasn't the sleeping incident this morning was plaguing you. Before Luciano had left your shared room, you had woken up. He hadn't realized it at the time since your grogginess masked the fact that you were no longer sleeping.  As he entered the bathroom, you stealthily made your way to the desk he had in the room by the bathroom door and opened the middle drawer.  You silently shuffled papers around until you got to the back of the drawer. Your fingers found the small button and pressed it, a secret compartment opening up shortly after pushing in the almost unnoticeable protrusion in the wood. The pair of black sweatpants and t-shirt you stuffed in there in case of an emergency revealed themselves, your hand grabbing and pulling both items out hastily. You wriggled out of the new silk pajama shorts Flavio tailored for you and slipped into the sweatpants. The compartment closed automatically, leaving only the drawer to be shut, which you did. You swiped the shorts from the floor, waddling it and the t-shirt into a ball as you quietly padded your way back to the bed. Laying down in the same position you were in before getting up, you stuffed the two items under your pillow and re-positioned yourself. You closed your eyes and waited for Luciano to reenter the room.

        A couple minutes had passed by excruciatingly slow, making them seem like hours rather than the few minutes it actually was. Luciano finally exited the bathroom dawning his usual white poet shirt, accompanied by a pure black waistcoat this time, black dress pants and boots of the same color. He was missing his cravat oddly enough. He looked through the room for it, eventually finding it on his side of the bed's cherry wood nightstand. His hand positioned it the way he liked it as he looked at his reflection in a full body mirror set off to the side of the room. Once he was finished, he turned to face the king size bed. He walked over to your side and caressed the top of your head with his hand before leaving a soft kiss on your forehead. Luciano them moved to his desk, grabbing a pen and a piece of paper, then returning back to your bedside. You could hear him writing something down on the paper, but didn't bother to open your eyes just yet. You didn't want to give yourself away.

For Eternity (Vampire! 2p! Italy x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora