Chapter Thirty-one - I'm Not Letting Her Go.

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~SLIGHT DESCRIPTION OF BLOOD AND GORE - Just warning you ahead of time.~

~Last Time~

        A cloth was quickly placed over your mouth and nose. You recognized it as a low grad of chloroform. It wasn't as strong as the one Matt used to knock you unconscious to bring you back to the castle, but due to your weakened state caused by your pregnancy, you didn't have the energy to fight back very well. You eventually blacked out and went limp, nearly falling off of the chair you were on in the process. An arm caught you by your waist.

        "We've got her."


        There was silence for a moment at a response was waited for.

        "Excellent. Bring her back as soon as possible. Make sure you aren't followed."

        "Yes sir. What about you wife and the other humans?"

        "Grab my wife and bring her back as well. As for the others, leave them there."

        "Yes sir."

        There was silence once more as the connection between the two men was severed. The man holding the walkie talkie grinned before giving a small laugh.

        "Nice shooting Mattie! You hold true to that sniping record you snagged!" he said.

        He had short blond hair and looked strikingly similar to Allen. His build was almost the exact same as the brunette's, but he was slightly smaller in stature. He had an ahoge in the same spot as well, and his skin was a much lighter color. He wore thin wire frame glasses over his bright blue eyes. He had a very perky attitude and seemed to be full of energy.

        "Alfred, please be more quiet. There could still be vampires nearby."

        This man was also a blond, but had slightly longer hair than the first male's. He also had a striking resemblance to one of the out cold vampires, but it wasn't to Allen. He looked like Matthieu. He had very similar wire frame glasses to his companion's. He had violet colored eyes but was lacking the light blue specks that Matthieu's eyes held. He seemed to be more reserved than his accomplice and more soft-spoken.

        "I'm sorry, but this is so freaking cool! The king recruited us to retrieve the princess!"

        "Alfred, shush. Let's just grab Her Majesty and the princess and go. I'd like to live to see another day because those tranquilizers are only meant to hold them off for about thirty minutes, which is only enough time to get our target out of here."

        "Alright Matthew, geez. I'll take Princess (y/n) if you get Her Majesty."

        "That's fine by me."

        The two men picked up the respective woman that they agreed on and began to make their way out of the castle to head back to the human civilization's. Unbeknownst to the two of them, Luciano's body was working over time to force the tranquilizer to where off, and he was to the point that he could at least be aware of what they were talking about. He tried to concentrate on moving his arm, but it wouldn't budge. He tried concentrating on moving his middle finger, a much smaller appendage to move. He successfully moved it with a bit of maximum effort. He smirked as he was able to flip off the two blonds as they exited the room with his wife and mother-in-law.

        To say he was furious was an understatement. His mind was like a time bomb ready to explode. How dare they take his wife and his child away from them, all on the orders of a king who had no authority in his territory. If he ever got his hands on (y/f/n), he was going to kill him. Whether he was  going to do it swiftly or painstakingly slow, he wasn't sure yet, but he knew he was going to kill him. He struggled for the rest of the thirty minutes that the tranquilizer was meant to keep him sedated for. The other vampires and the humans remaining also began to stir just as he as pushing himself out of his seat.

For Eternity (Vampire! 2p! Italy x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz