Chapter Twelve - First Day of Freedom

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~SLIGHT DESCRIPTION OF BLOOD AND GORE - Just warning you ahead of time.~  

        Ah, sunshine. It had felt like you hadn't seen the bright ball of gases in years when it had only been about a day. You ran around in the grass barefoot, picking flowers and climbing trees along the way. Matt sat at the base of the oak tree he had cornered you in before he used chloroform to knock you out. Kuma laid next to him, quietly snoozing in the shade.

        Luciano was true to his word and left you to your own devices. Today was day one of not having to deal with him. You had insisted that Matt take you back to the place with the waterfall and river. He was hesitant at first but took you there anyway. He was glad that he decided to. This was the first time since he left the human community that he had seen you smile so brilliantly. It was truly a beautiful site for him. He knew you wouldn't leave. He knew deep down that you loved Luciano, even if he could be an obsessive asshole. Sleep soon over came him since he was used to sleeping at night. He figured you would be fine while he took a nap. It's not like you could find your way out of the vast expanse of forest. You were horrible with directions to begin with, but putting you in the forest and telling you to find your way out was a disaster waiting to happen.

        It was about midday at this point, and it was beginning to get warm, the air hot with humidity. You looked to the river and jumped in without a second thought. What better way to beat the heat than a nice swim? You swam around in the slightly deeper parts away from the waterfall as to not let the strong currents sweep you under. You messed around in the water for about thirty minutes before heading to a rock to sit on so your clothes could dry. No doubt that you'd get a lecture from Anna on the importance of proper behavior and what not.

        Your gaze settled up Kuma and Matt. They were peacefully sleeping side by side under the tree that you had last seen them. Kuma had his head resting on Matt's lap while the blond had his hands resting behind his head, fingers interlaced to keep his head from hitting the bark of the tree. A mischievous grin plastered itself on your face as you looked to the water and back to them. You sneaked back to the banks of the river and cupped you hands to allow water to collect. You then ran towards Matt and dumped it onto his head. He woke up startled, causing the sleeping polar to stir.

        Water droplets dripped down his nose, landing in his jean clad lap and Kuma's head. The white furred creature gave a small growl of annoyance before lifting his head to lick Matt's face clean of water. Matt chuckled while giving Kuma's head a few small pats of appreciation. He looked to you with a smirk on his face. He stood suddenly, running over to you and picking you up. He ran at a normal human speed towards the river. He held you over the water, his smirk widening.

        "If that's how you want to play girly, be my guest," he said before dropping you.

        You gave a small squeak as you fell the short distance. You expected to feel the water rushing over your head as soon as you made contact with the water, but it never happened. You instead landed on something soft, with only your legs plunging into the wet substance. Your gaze shifted down to find that you had landed on top of Kuma, who was swimming in the water waiting to catch you on his back. Matt started to laugh, a true laugh, not just a chuckle.

        "You should have seen your face just then! It was fucking priceless!" he laughed out.

        Small tears could be seen forming in the corner of his eyes as he clutched his abdomen, his sides aching from laughter. You soon begun laughing as well, his laugh being contagious. Kuma pulled himself out of the water with you still perched on his back. He began to walk through the forest, Matt following him before taking the lead. Both of you had calmed down from your laughing fits and continued on in silence.

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