Extra #3 - Matt's Background and the Vampire 2p FACE Family Origins

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~This will be the last chance to vote for what story I write next before official results are given next week. An update on the vote tally will be in the author's note. Also, there will be various time skips in this chapter.~

~François Meets Matthieu's Mother, Charlotte~

        Darkness had fallen quickly on the world above the human civilization. The only light was given off by the waning crescent moon, which wasn't very much. Normally, humans would be too frightened to leave the comfort and safety of their hidden homes and workshops to dare adventure to the forest above, but one girl, a nineteen year old by the name of Charlotte, decided to take the risk. She figured that since she lived alone, perhaps no one would miss her if something were to happen to her. Maybe no one except the couple that lived next door to her would care if she suddenly went missing.

        She slipped past the guards watching the door to the overworld that was closest to where she lived. They were sleeping on the job like they usually were, allowing her easy access to the heavy door. She carefully lifted it a bit, making sure no vampires were in sight before opening it enough to slip through. It closed behind her once she was out. She got on her feet and took a deep breath. The fresh air was a relief to her. The civilization was always musky since it was under ground, and created a very earthy smell to linger about, almost as if it had permanently just finished raining. It wasn't a terribly unpleasant smell, but after awhile one would eventually grow tired of it, and Charlotte was definitely tired of it.

        She spun around a bit, enjoying the feeling of the cool spring night air. The skirt of her light blue, knee length dress jumper fanning out a bit as she did so, the bottom of the apron she wore going with it. There was a slight breeze blowing through the area, causing the air to stream gently through the thin fabric of the white, short sleeved t-shirt she wore under the dress jumper. She was oblivious to the pair of purple eyes watching her from the trees until the owner of them spoke up.

        "Enjoy your freedom while it lasts. I guarantee this will be the last time you'll ever know the feeling of it."

        "Hmm? What makes you say that?"

        "Because I just know... You seem rather calm for a person encountering a random voice in the woods, especially at night."

        "Ah, why be scared when you partially know what you are dealing with? Vous êtes français."

        "Est-ce que vous parlez françois?"

        "Je parle il, oui?"


        There was an awkward silence following the two's very short discussion. Neither of the two dared to move. Charlotte was testing to see if who ever this stranger was was man enough to reveal himself on his own or if she was going to have to ask him to come out. He seemed to figure out what she was doing and sighed audibly before walking out of the shadows and into the dim moonlight.

        Now that Charlotte could see him, he was somewhat handsome. His hair was down to his shoulders and was a dull blond color. His eyes were a medium shade of purple, a truly unusual color for any normal human being. He had scruffy looking stubble and a melancholic expression on his face. A freshly lit cigarette was dangling from the corner of his mouth. His feet were clad in a pair of brown loafers while his legs were covered by dark grey slacks. His upper half was covered by a purple button down shirt with the first few top buttons undone. He took a long drag from his cigarette and blew it out to the side.

        "So, mind telling me what a girl like you is doing out in the woods at night?"

        "I had nothing better to do honestly. That and I wanted some fresh air."

For Eternity (Vampire! 2p! Italy x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα