Chapter Two - An Explanation

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        "When do you think she will wake up?"

        "I don't know. You gave me a pretty big dosage to give her. It could be days before she wakes up."

        "I don't think that he is going to be very happy when he finds out about it."

        "I know, but when he does find out you're going to get the blame."

        "What? Why would he blame me? You were the one to give it to her."

        "Ja, I was, but you were the one to give me the syringe. Therefore, you will get the blame."

        You thought that now would be a good time to make you consciousness known to the two men. You knew the second voice belonged to Gilen, so you figured that the first voice belonged to his younger brother. The sheets over top of you rustled as you moved a little. The two men's conversation ceased, and they both directed their attention to you.

        "How long have you been awake?" Gilen asked after he sighed.

        "Long enough to know that there is another person involved in this... whatever this is," You stated with still closed eyes.

        You opened them for a moment and then closed them in an attempt to blink away the blurriness of your vision. Once you re-opened them a pair of violet ones stared at you from only a few inches away. You gave a little yelp as you fell off of the bed and landed on the cold, hard oak wood floor. You crawled over to Gilen and hid behind his legs, much like a child would do with his parents when meeting someone new. Gilen's brother gave off a hardy chuckle. He made eye contact with your albino friend and then with you.

        "Looks like we have a scaredy cat on our hands," he said.

        This upset you horribly for some reason. With quick movements you were in front of the tall man.

        "I am not a scaredy cat ya prick!" you half shouted.

        "Oh, so the Kätzchen has claws huh?" he asked tauntingly.

        "Yes, this "Kätzchen" has claws, and I'm not afraid to defend myself by any means necessary, biting included," you retorted.

        "I'll do anything to defend myself too, but I think that my bite is worse than my bark." He smiled to reveal his sharp fangs, proving his point.

        "Heh, yeah... I'll just..." You ran to hide behind Gilen again.

        His brother gave off another chuckle. "Since she is awake, I'll go tell him and ask where we should bring her to meet him. In the mean time, have her get ready. She has a massive case of bed head that needs to be fixed," he said as he exited the room.

        "Ja, will do," Gilen said. He turned around so he cold face you. You gave him an annoyed look. "I guess I owe you and explanation," he said.

        "Yes, yes you do," you sassed.

        "Look, I know you are mad at me, but I'll give you the explanation after you take a bath und get dressed."

        "Or you could sit outside the bathroom door and start explaining while I take a bath."

        "That works too I guess." Gilen led you over to the room's built in bathroom. "The shampoo, conditioner, soap, und scented bath oils are on the shelf above the bathtub. The towels und wash cloths are on the rack next to it. I also put an outfit in there that would be suitable to meet him," he said.

        "You and that guy keep mentioning a "he". Who is "he" exactly?" you asked while running the water for your bath. You could hear Gilen sitting down outside of the open door.

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