Epilogue: P.S I Love You

Start from the beginning

Layla smirked despite a few tears trickling through her eyes. It had been quite a while since the incident. She didn't like to dwell upon the fact, but it was astounding nevertheless.

I truly hope that you and your family are doing well. I really want to apologize about how distant I have been over the course of these past few months.

Layla knew damn well what he was referring to. Matter a fact, his distant connection is what caused her to try and slam the memory of him into the back of her mind. Of course she still cared for him, but it was a difficult process. Once Billie had left, she had went through withdrawal. No matter how hard she tried to avoid it, she was depressed upon his dismissal. Layla called him all of the time and longed to keep close contact. After a while, he never called back...never answered her text messages or returned any letters. It had teared her apart, but she was determined to get over it. She pushed back a few sniffles and continued reading the letter.

You have to understand that I never wanted to hurt you or have that come across the wrong way. I felt like I had to. It pained me to know I had to ignore your attempts to reach out to me, but I had to let you go. It was the only way I could be assured that you would grow strong again. I truly hope you have, and if I know you the way I think I do, you have evolved into an extremely confident, resilient young lady. I wish I was there to see it myself.

My family grew apprehensive at the realization that I kept so close in touch with you. They tried their hardest to understand, but I began to notice me neglecting them too. It was a tough decision, to break my contact with you, but I know if you saw the way I was acting, you would have wanted me too.

To be honest, almost all decisions I make are made with you in mind. I hope you are proud.

Layla smiled wide at this indication. She knew that feeling all too well. Whenever she was with friends at college, and the peer pressure came on, she always wondered how Billie would feel about it, and almost every single time it worked. She hated the fact that they stopped talking, but deep in her heart she understood why. There was no way she was going to make foolish decisions that would disappoint Billie if he ever found out. She had enough time for that in her alternate reality while being unconscious with him. Besides, this wasn't Twilight. You don't really do that to the one you love.

I miss you, Layla. I really do. I really want the best for you. This letter to you, I know it doesn't make up for all the times I have ignored you. I just really wanted you to know that I still care, and I found that Christmas time was the best suiting occasion for it. Unfortunately, this doesn't change things in the future. Small talk is really something I can't afford to keep up. It hurts too much. The best way to go about our relationship is to save it for when we really need it. Yeah, maybe It doesn't feel right to shoot you a text every day to tell you how great the weather is, but know that if you ever really need me, I'll be here for you. Okay? I mean that. I don't want my family getting nervous about our relationship, but if you're ever without a friend and truly need it, I won't ignore you then. I promise you that much.

And don't worry about me, okay? My family...my friends, my band...we're all doing really well. The recovery process was lengthy, but I feel so much better now. You'll be happy to know the guys and I are back in the studio recording. Keep it on the down low, but you're kind of a muse for our next album. The name for it is still up in the air. Maybe "Unconscious Thoughts" or something. Though we aren't quite sure what.

I hope you and your family are well. Please stay safe during this Holiday season. There's a lot of drunkards on the street, so be careful driving and be responsible when out with your friends. I can't live with myself knowing something terrible could ever happen to you.

Please don't be afraid to send me a letter, I'd love to know how you are. If I don't write back, know it's not me trying to ignore you. I would read every word with heart, as if my life depended on the message inside. I'm just trying to strengthen myself, and you should do the same.

Though we can't talk often, there is something I want to do for you this Christmas. Don't thank me, okay? What I'm about to do is not a gift, simply returning a favor.

You changed my life, for the better. The impact you had on me is something that I don't think could ever be replicated. Many would call it impossible, but I call it reality. I have a lot of money. So much that honestly, besides donating it, I don't even know what to do with it all. I'm going to pay off all of your student loans and medical bills. It's the least I can do.

Now, don't get all emotional or anything. When I first met you in Boston, that beautiful day when we had no idea we were actually in a coma, everything I did was out of selfish regards. You might not remember it that way, but I do. You were the only one who could see me. I was only nice to you because you seemed as lost as I did.

But look where we are now. Now, you are one of the most important people to me on this planet...in this fucking universe. I hate myself to think of how foolish I truly was.

Paying off these things for you is the least I can do. Okay? You thawed my ice cold heart, and for that, I am determined to make all of your dreams come true. This is one boulevard that could NEVER be broken. I will always be there for you.

Merry Christmas, Layla. And a Happy New Years.

I wish you, your friends and your family the best.

Xx Billie Joe xx

P.S ......... I love you.....

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