Having a Blast

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One week later

"Just one more day, Layla! I bet your family can't wait to have you home!"

"Yeah, I'm excited to have my bed back. I know you hospitals have a budget and what not, but the least they can do is get comfier mattresses," I smile weakly.

Dr. Mahoney chuckled.

"We always hope the patients don't have to stay too long, if you know what I mean."

"Nice subtle tactic, right there."

"You know it," he winks. "Don't forget to eat dinner at the mess hall! No need to be trapped in this room all night. It's not like you can't walk or anything."

"I'll be down in twenty. I just want to play a round of chess or something."

"Uh huh, sure..." he teases. "But seriously, I know you've been through a lot, but you have to stop hiding away in here. There's plenty to do and many to meet if you give yourself the chance," he suggested politely.

"I'm aware, Doc. Thank you."

"No problem, Layla," he grins before heading out.

Perhaps he was right. I just wasn't ready to face the world, so instead I hid in my room and played games like chess. I wasn't lying about that. There's not much to do in these hospital rooms, and social media just isn't a factor after being knocked out for two weeks, so logic games like chess were all that kept me going. If there was anything I wanted to work on, it was at strengthening my mind and my decision making ability. After learning the news once I woke up of what really happened, my biggest goal was to never be caught as vulnerable again.

One week earlier

"Do you think this means something?" The question came out rather choked and gasped, though I was aiming for a calmer approach.

My family and friends had stayed in for quite some time the day I woke up, but after feeling crowded for too long, I sent them home.

"Go home. You don't want to sleep in this place, trust me. Leave that to me, alright?" I pleaded with them.

"Let us stay nearby, we can rent a hotel room for the week and visit daily!" My mom nearly begged.

"Don't let me get in the way of your life. I've already been selfish enough and have taken too much of your time. Go home, rest...know that it's going to be okay. Let me heal and I'll be home in a week, I promise."

I used to love the attention. I used to love being smothered in love, but after everything I've experienced, it was nothing more than repulsive.

Yet somehow, I had hope. After hearing what the news had broadcasted, I had some belief that there was still a connection between Billie and I. The more I thought about it, the more it hurt me inside. And the more it hurt, the more I begged Dr. Mahoney to stay with me.

"I'm sorry," my cheeks swell up from the heat I'm holding in as a few tears streak down my face. "I'm stealing you from your other patients. I'm sorry...I just..."

"Don't worry about that, Layla. You've been without human contact for two weeks, I think I can manage a few extra hours to spend time with you....to make sure you're alright."

My eyes gaze up to meet his.

"Thank you."

He gives me a worried smile and squeezes my hand to assure me comfort. The past few times he tried to excuse himself from me I would hyperventilate and cry out for him.

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