Back on my feet!

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"It's nice to see you up and about again." Clint says as I manage to get into the Conference room.  Banner is having me use crutches until the pain stops in my right leg.  

"Nothing can keep me down for too long." I say as I reach the table.  I slide into a chair.  "When is Whitehall's execution?" I ask Captain and everyone looks at me as if I asked something strange.

"We're sending him to the sandbox." Captain tells me and I look a little upset.  Isn't that the same place the WSC threatened to send me?

"Why?" I ask tensley.  "You told me he was going to be executed." I say but Captain shakes his head.  "Fine, then let me talk to him again." I say because last time he didn't answer all of my questions.  

"That's not happening." Fury comes into the conference room with Maria at his side.  "You would let your feelings get in the way of things."

"I'm tired of everyone thinking I don't know how to handle myself.  I don't need you to keep protecting me.  If anything Whitehall knows why everyone is after me.  He could be the person who actually ends all this madness." I say as I stand up and I maneuver my crutches.  "Next time you want my help, forget it." I get out of the room and no one follows me.


In the conference room.....

"I don't think it would hurt her to talk to Whitehall again." Clint says and everyone ignores him.

"I agree with Clint." Natasha looks at everyone.  "She needs to know about her powers and he's honestly the only one who can answer her questions.  If I was her, I would be doing anything in my power to get the answers and then I would kill him myself."

"She's not you Natasha." Maria says and Natasha laughs.

"You have no clue what she is capable of.  I see more of me in her than anything." Natasha waits for people to argue.

"She's just a child." Maria says and that's one thing that Allison is not.

"A child doesn't know how to withstand torture, avoid interrogation, survive a whipping, outsmart adults.....She stopped being a child when she was kidnapped." Captain says.  "Will it hurt her to actually talk to him?" Captain asks Fury.

"Make sure she doesn't kill him." Fury tells Natasha.  

"I'll see what I can do." Natasha runs out of the conference room.


Whitehall refused to tell me anything else so he was sent to the sandbox anyways.  Natasha had to stop me before I ended up attacking him with my powers.  She told me to fight this battle another day as she dragged me out of the interrogation room.  I collapse on the floor as I try to get my emotions under control.

"Why aren't they killing him?" I look up at Natasha.

"They want to get more information out of him." She tells me as I get to my feet again.  I put my crutches under my arms and we walk down the hallway.  "Do you want to talk about what happened?" She asks.

"No." I reply.  "I don't want to have to relive every moment of it." I say as we near my room.  "Natasha, how do you handle the memories?" I ask and it stops her in her tracks.

"I don't talk about them." She replies as she starts to walk again.  So helpful...they want me to talk about them but even Natasha won't talk about her own nightmares.  

"Oh." I reply sadly.  I was hoping she had a better explanation or at least a way for me to cope but that won't happen.

"Banner wanted to see you after you were done with Whitehall." Natasha says but it's going to be a long walk to go see him and I was already tiring.  "Are you ok?" She asks as I slow down a little.

"Just getting a little tired." I say as I keep walking. "I can't wait until the pain stops."  I say as Natasha follows me closely.

A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now