Daniel Whitehall

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I don't remember being kidnapped again but I woke up in Hydra's base.  There were two soldiers in the room watching to make sure that  I didn't escape.  But I couldn't even if I wanted to.  The pain is less than before but I am still paralyzed and my powers are gone.  I look up at the ceiling trying to find comfort in knowing that Hydra is fixing the problem.

"How is our little prisoner?" A man asks in a German accent.  "Feeling any better?"

"Go to hell." I reply and he simply laughs.

"I've been there and it's nice, no?" He says as he pulls out a large syringe.  I wish I could pull away but he injects it into my arm.  I scream in agony but my pain slowly disappears.  All of it and soon I can move my toes.  "Better?"  He asks and I nod slowly.  "Good, now we can get started." 

"Get started on what?" I ask as the guards come over to the bed and drag me to my feet.  I can barely hold myself up so they have to support me.  "Why are you doing this?"

"Becasue discovery requires experimentation." The man says and I try to struggle against the guards.

"Please don't do this." I beg as they drag me into an operating room.

"I'm sorry child but we have much to learn from you." The man motions for them to put me on the table.  I try to fight it but I'm still weak from whatever they gave me before.  "I am not going to lie this is going to hurt." He says with a sneer.


A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now