Help me, Irina!

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Irina's POV

Allison is a pretty good fighter and with the help from the other two people, we managed to kill or scare off everyone. I didn't know what to do when Allison hugged the redhead in the group. Allison then turned to me and motioned me forward.

"This is Irina." She says as she introduces me to Natasha and Clint. They both watched me as I stood close to Allison. "Come on Irina, we should be getting back." I follow her into the jet.

"You know her?" I hear Natasha ask Allison.

"I'll explain when we get back." Allison says as she takes a seat next to me and the other two go towards the cockpit. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just nervous. Do you trust them?" I ask as we take off.

"Yeah, I guess. They just want to help us." Allison replies thoughtfully. "SHIELD will probably want to talk to you." I look at her confused. "They'll want to record your story also. They want to punish Stryker for what he's done to us." I nod even though that thought scares me.

Allison was kidnapped so Stryker could experiment on her. I volunteered for it so my misery isn't as bad as hers but would Allison understand if I told her the truth? I'm not exactly the same as she is. I might be hiding from Stryker but I was hiding from everyone else too. I've killed people and all they would have to do is run my fingerprints and they'll find a trail of bodies that all lead to me.


Something was off about Irina. I have a bad feeling that she's keeping something from me and I'm scared that it's bigger than I could ever imagine. Natasha and Clint are wary of her and I'm starting to trust their judgement. We didn't go to Avengers HQ like I thought we would but instead we landed on the SHIELD helicarrier.

Irina was tense as we landed and I was worried she would try and bolt. I lead her to the interrogation room and I left her there. I went off in search of Natasha and Clint because I didn't want to wait on my own. I found them in the conference room with Maria and Fury. I bite my lip as I took a seat.

"She's not telling me something." I tell them even though that might things worse.

"We'll have Coulson drop you off back home." Maria tells me as she leads me out of the room and Fury heads towards the interrogation rooms. I n1od even though I don't want to leave Irina here. "Are you ok Allison?" She asks and I nod slowly.

"It's nothing." I lie as I see Coulson and his team. I walk over to them as Maria heads back towards the conference room. Coulson looks happy to see me.

"Nice to see you again." He says and I smile. "How's the Avengers treating you?"

"Fine I guess." I say as we walk into his plane. The plane leaves shortly after.


Once I was back at Avengers HQ, I went back to my room. I was too tired to talk to anyone about my mission and I was waiting to hear back about Irina. I pulled off the uniform and I finally realize that I was cut on my left side. It's not that deep but it probably need stitches. I never even noticed it during the time on the way to or from SHIELD.

"Can this day get any worse?" I ask aloud as I slip into a t-shirt and I head over to Banner's labs. He's probably still up if not I'll call him. I find him asleep at his desk but he wakes up when I knock. "Hey." I say and Banner notices the blood staining my t-shirt. "It's not as bad as it looks at it doesn't really hurt." Banner brings me into the lab and has me sit on one of the beds.

"When did this happen?" Banner asks as he starts cleaning it.

"An hour ago, I guess." I flinch as he gently inspects the wound now clean of blood.

"This isn't going to be pleasant." Banner says as he instructs me to lay down so he can give me stitches. I grit my teeth against the pain as he quickly sews shut the wound. "What happened during the mission?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I say because the sinking feeling is growing larger and larger with each passing moment. Things are not what they seem and I have a really bad feeling about Irina.

"Why don't you sleep here for the night? I'll be able to wake you up if Natasha and CLint call." Banner says and I nod. My side kind of aches and I'm too tired to move. Banner injects some pain medication and then he leaves me so I can sleep.


I'm running through the building hoping to hide from Stryker. My legs are growing tired as I open the door to the operating room. He won't look for me in here but there's people in here. There's a girl sitting on the operating table and she looks to be around my age. The nurse calls up security as she grabs me.

"Let me go!" I scream as the other girl hops off the table and they strap me down.

"Why are you fighting them?" The girl asks me. "They just want to make you better."

"No they don't. They just want to keep hurting me." I argue as the security guards arrive. "Please get me out of here." I plead with the girl but she shakes her head. The nurse was apparently waiting for me to come and I ran right into their hands. I cry as they set up an I.V. and the girl just watches.

"Irina go back to your room." The guard tells the girl and she obeys. The doctor starts to operate.


I feel a hand shaking me awake and I snap out of the nightmare. Irina was obeying their commands and then I remember overhearing a nurse talking about Irina. She wanted to be there to avenger her parents deaths. I hear someone calling my name and I open my eyes.

"Are you ok?" Banner asks and I shake my head no.

"Irina wanted to be there. She worked for Stryker willingly." I sit up and my side screams in agony. "She wanted us to find her. We have to warn them." I look at Banner and he realizes that he has to obey me. He grabs his phone and he dials Natasha's number. Nothing. Then he calls Fury and still no answer. Something is terribly wrong.

A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now