I'm free

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Hello my beautiful readers!  I am so excited to finally work on this story.  I have about four different versions of this story on my computer and I am yet again starting a new.  Hopefully this will be a good fanfiction.  This story will bounce between POV's but most of it will be in Allison's since it will make it easier for you to understand her powers.  I hope you enjoy the chapter and please can you give me your feedback at the end. I will reply to as many of them as I can and if you are hoping to see a character from the marvel universe come in, I can try and make that happen.   Thanks for reading and have a fantastic week!


They all watched as the girl was dragged under.  When the mutants didn't bring her out, the x-men knew that they  had to do something.  Wolverine dived into the lake after her while Storm and Scott got to work on the three people who attacked her.  Storm scared off two of them and the third soon realized that he wasn't going to win this battle so he fled after his men.

Wolverine emerged from the water with the small girl.  She coughed up the water she had swallowed and smiled meekly at us.

"Thanks." She says weakly as Wolverine picks her up.  "Wait my stuff." She motions to the cave in the cliff and wolverine hands her off to Scott as he climbs the cliff.  In a matter of minutes he is back on the ground with a ratty pink backpack and a black duffle bag that has seen better days.

"She's going to need medical attention." Storm looks worriedly at the girl who had lost consciousness in Scott's arms.   They all rush back to the jet and off to Xavier's school for gifted youngsters.


My eye's slowly opened as I come to my senses.  It's a lot warmer so I assume I'm not outside anymore and I'm not in pain so I'm not with Stryker either.  I do a quick survey of my body and I realize I'm not in that bad of shape.  My ankle is in a brace and my stomach is wrapped tightly, probably because of the fact that the roots dug into my skin.  Other than that I am doing ok.

I sit up slowly and I realize I'm not alone.  The man that saved me is standing in the doorway watching me.  I bite my lip in fear but hopefully they don't want to hurt me.

"Thanks for saving me." I say and he doesn't reply.  I try to move my legs to the edge of the bed but the movement makes my leg hurt so I know I can't escape.

"Why didn't you fight back?" The man asks and I look up.  He knows I'm a mutant but I can't explain why I couldn't fight back.  "You could have gotten yourself killed."  I roll my eyes.  Dying was totally ok with me, as long as I wasn't experimented on anymore.

"I couldn't." I say through gritted teeth as I move my leg again.  I grimace and he moves towards my bed.  He waits for me to explain but I won't.  "Where am I anyways?" I demand as I manage to get my brace off of the bed.  I slide off of the bed as I try and stand.  I realize too late that I probably injured my other ankle but didn't realize it because my other ankle hurt too much.  I cry out in pain as I almost collapse to the floor. 

"Whoa there." The man catches me and lifts me back onto the bed.  A tear slips down my face.  "Are you ok?" He asks concerned and two more people come into the room.

"I'll be fine." I say as I wipe the tear away but I don't have the energy to get my legs back onto the bed.  "Please where am I?" I ask the other two.  The girl had medium length red hair and the man was in a wheel chair.

"You're at my school for gifted youngsters, Allison." The man says.  "I'm professor Xavier and this is Jean and Wolverine." I hang my head defeated and I feel someone trying to get inside my head.  I put up my barriers immediately.

"Why did you save me?" I ask as I look at the man.

"I knew you needed someone to help you." Xavier replies.

"I can take care of myself.  I've done it all my life." I reply worried that they were going to use me.

"We're not going to hurt you, Allison." Jean says gently but I'm not so sure.  "We just want to help."  I look at all of them but a part of me still is worried that they will be like all the others.  "You can trust us."  I close my eyes and I take a deep breath.

"Promise?" I ask as I open them again.

"I promise, Allison." Xavier replies and tears fall down my face.  "Child?"

"I'm fine." I say as I hastily wipe the tears away.  "I just can't believe I got away after all these years." I reply as Jean comes over to check on me.  "I think I hurt my other ankle in the fall also." I tell her and she touches it gently.  I flinch as she moves it to check the damage.

"It's probably just sprained, but your other ankle is fractured." Jean tells me.

"I'll be fine in a couple of days then." I say and they look at me.  "I heal fast." I shrug my shoulders as I manage to get my legs back in bed.

"what class of mutant are you?" Wolverine asks and I bite my lip.  It's not something that I usually share and Stryker would use it to get a good price on me when he would sell me for a couple of weeks.

"I was told I'm a five." I reply and they all look shocked.

"That's impossible." Jean says as she looks at me.  "I thought there were only two of us?" She asks Xavier.  Xavier doesn't reply but I assume that they are communicating telepathically since one of them is a telepath, that I know of.

"Who created you?" Wolverine demands and I flinch because I don't like people saying that about me.

"Stryker enhanced me.  I was a class four before he got his hands on me." I reply.  "Wait, you're the  wolverine.  You're experiment X!" I say as I realize he's the man that Stryker keeps talking about.  "OMG!"  I say excitedly as I realize that I'm modeled after the weapon x programs, but then again if he wasn't a successful project I wouldn't be in this mess.

"You've heard of me?" Wolverine looks at the other two skeptically.

"We'll yeah, I've heard of you.  Stryker designed me after the weapon x program hoping that I, well we, would be better than you were.  He did a pretty good job on us but then I started rebelling then the other members started dying off because the serums failed.  Then he decided he wanted to terminate the program and try weapon x again." I stop talking as I realize I just told them a lot of information.  "I wasn't supposed to say that." I say as I cover my mouth in shock.

"What was your program named?" Wolverine asks as Jean and Xavier watch us.  I shake my head as I clam up.  I'm not saying any more.  Those memories are better left in the past.  "We're not going to use this information against you, Allison."  Wolverine says gently.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore." I say slowly as I close my eyes.

"We're here when you want to talk about it." Xavier says as they leave the room.

A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now