Mind Share

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Please watch the video after you have read the chapter.  I thought that this song was perfect when it came to describing Allison and it will be her theme song throughout the book.  Thanks for continuing to read my story.  I really appreciate it and I will reply to people't comments or requests at the bottom.  Have a great day!


Coulson wasn't kidding when he asked when we could start.  SHIELD actually has a machine that can show what a person is seeing in their mind.  It doesn't work for mutants but it works on humans so Coulson said he would be the person I share my memories with.

I'm terrified of sharing my memories especially via mind share but it's my best option.  Anyways, I would probably break down if I had to account what happened in words.  I may be able to withstand torture and other methods of physical pain but I swear I can't stand mental pain at all.  Mind games destroy me and I'm surprised Stryker never learned that.


Allison was stronger than she looked.  Her powers where off the charts and her ability to comprehend adult situations was phenomenal.  However, she is just a child after all.  Stuck in a world where she has to make adult decisions to survive, and the mind share was one of them.  Everyone heard the rumors that there were people with this talent out there in the world and the MST (mind share technology) was designed to mimic their powers.

Now everyone is going to see how the real deal and the man made substitute work together to share Allison's memories with members of SHIELD, the Avengers, and hopefully no members of the World Security Council.  SHIELD knew that Allison would be ruled a threat by the WSC and she would be sent to the sandbox.  Fury wouldn't let that happen to the girl.

"Are you ready for this?" A nurse asks Allison as she prepares to insert an I.V. into the girl's arm.  She nods even though she looks anything but ready.  Fury wants everything to be perfectly safe for Allison and he has made sure that every precaution available is put in place to protect her well being.

Coulson is getting prepped for the MST as the nurses finish hooking up heart monitors to Allison's small body.  Allison is ready for the session and Coulson is waiting for the go ahead to start.  Fury gives the orders and the girl closes her eyes.


The cold ground stings my legs as I cower in a far corner.  My body is racked with sobs as I try to hide from the men who are trying to hurt me.  I'm only seven years old in this vision and it's one of my first days in Stryker's care.  

"Allison, you need to work with us." A nurse gently says as she tries to calm me down.  "It will only hurt more if you fight us."  I pull myself into a tighter ball trying to hide from her.

"I want my mommy!" I cry as tears fall down my face.  I still haven't grasped the concept that my mom was dead and no one was coming to save me.  The nurse looks frantically at the door as she hears someone coming.

"Please." She pleads with me and as I hear the door open I look up terrified.  Stryker is standing there looking at the scene before him.

"Why haven't you started yet?" He demands and  the nurse finally realizes that I was hiding behind her legs now.  The nurse can't explain to him why I was so afraid.  She picks me up in her arms and brings me over to the operating table.

"No!!!" I scream as she lays me down.  Two guards restrain me on the table as the nurse tries to get me sedated.  I see the mask go over my face but I only get a little sleepy.  "I want my mommy." I say as I start to cry again.

"If you can't sedate her, then do it while she is awake." Stryker commands as he leaves the room.  The nurse looks frantically at the doctor that just came into the room.  Sedation doesn't work on my powers, so they decide to put me on a morphine drip, and to do the bone marrow biopsy while I was conscious.  No one heard such heart breaking screams then the people in that operating room.


I snap out of the vision and realize that I'm back in reality.  I feel my nose bleeding and I take a tissue that a nurse offered me.  Tears sting my eyes as I remember the pain that I was in.  I forgot that memory over the years but now with it fresh in my mind, I realize that my life has been over since the day I saw my mother killed.

The silence in the room is scary and I look up to see everyone watching me.  Coulson just came too and he seems to be processing what he saw.  A nurse gently touches my shoulder and I flinch.  I'm not afraid of the people before me, well I don't exactly know yet.  However, I am scared of the people that turned me into this monster.

"Allison?" I hear a voice ask and I come out of my haze.  I look up at the woman asking me and I feel tears slip down my cheek. The woman has dark brown hair that is pulled back into a bun.  Her green eyes search my face.

"I'm fine." I lie as I sort through my own thoughts about the memory.  I haven't thought about that one in a while but it brings up a lot of other memories I've suppressed over the years, and those memories are probably the ones they want to see.  "Coulson are you ready for another?" I ask him and he looks at me a little confused.

"I'm surprised you don't want to stop." He says and I shake my head.  I can't stop now that I've brought the flood of memories forward.  I'll need to share them or talk about them before they take over my mind and make me worthless.  "I'm ready when you are Fury." He says to the people watching us.

"You can continue when ready." A voice says as Coulson closes his eyes and I take his hand.


I  remember the day that this memory took place.  I just turned ten years old and I decided that I didn't want Stryker to experiment on me anymore.  Naturally, I thought that running away would be the best solution to my problems, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

"How dare you run away!" Stryker yells and I flinch at the tone of his voice.  I feel my body quiver as he advances towards me like an animal stalking his prey.

"I just want it to stop." I say quietly but I know that it never will.  It's been going on for three years now.  My fear of needles hasn't receded and has only gotten worse.

"You will always be mine." Stryker grabs my chin and makes me look at him in the eyes.  Tears threaten to fall down my cheeks but I know that I can't let that happen.  "Send Allison to the courtyard." Stryker drops my face and turns towards the guards.  "Tell Captain Stevenson that she needs one lash for each year of her life."

"No, please don't." I beg as the guard picks me up.  "I promise to be good."  I sob as the tears run down my face.  I've been shown what happens to disobedient people here and I never wanted to experience this.

The guard takes me to the courtyard and ties me to a post.  My back is clearly exposed as Captain Stevenson comes into the courtyard holding a black whip.  I lean my head against the pole as I try to quiet my sobs.  He readies his whip and then I feel it bite into my skin.  A cry escapes my lips but I try to be brave.  Another one is dealt and I can't fight my scream.  I  remain conscious until the fifth one but soon after I fall in an unconscious state.  That doesn't stop them and I am dealt all ten lashes.

A guard  brings my bloody body inside and I don't wake up for three days.


Thanks for reading this chapter.  This is only a sneak peek at Allison's past, and throughout the book you will learn things about what happened to her during her eight years as Stryker's prisoner.  The next chapter will be posted tomorrow and it will pick up where this one left off.  Hope you like it and please comment or vote.  It really makes my day when I hear everyone's opinion of my book.

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