I wanted to go out and find Newell as soon as possible, but jumping out now would startle the wolves and while I could take them down just fine, I wasn't going to risk attacking them when I wasn't sure how many there were. A pack could very well kill me if I wasn't careful.

Hunter and I remained silent, listening through the darkness. I could hear voices speaking angrily somewhere out in front of us, in the path of Hunter's car, but I still couldn't see much through the darkness. Not even the moonlight helped. It just cast an eerie milky glow to rustling trees.

The smell of blood soon reached my nostrils and panic welled up in my chest so tight, it was painful. I started to move, but Hunter caught me by the wrist and tore me back. I went to snap at him, but he pressed the barrel of his gun right into my throat. I glared at him as he glared back, eyes narrowed.

He didn't speak. Just held a finger to his lips and made a gesture for me to stay put and not move. I wanted to tell him to take his order and shove it, but my instincts knew he was right. So against the screaming in my head, I remained absolutely still until I noticed that Hunter was beginning to creep forward. I frowned and followed after him, walking in his footsteps and moving as quietly and slowly as he was.

While I didn't enjoy this human at all and constantly debated on devouring him when no one was looking, I had to admit, he stood by his namesake well. He moved fluidly, blending in with the foliage cloaked in shadow. He managed to stay out of the moonlight, hiding against trees and tall grass. His muscles flexed and tensed, eyes narrowed and darting around, watching every little thing around him.

He was more than just a hunter.

He was a predator.

We moved through the trees silently, approaching the car that glinted in the moonlight. The scent of blood grew harsher. Hunter came out of the woods before me, coming into the clearing beside the car. I followed close behind him, watching as he crouched down in the grass and touched the blood there. It glistened on his fingers, and I instantly recognized the scent of it.


My heart clenched as Hunter sniffed at it before rising to his feet, looking around while wiping the blood off on his pants.

"Looks like someone got to your kid before we could," He muttered, then paused to sniff around some more, "And from the smell of it, werewolves." I looked at him questioningly as he scanned the surrounding woods before turning the safety off his gun.

"If we keep moving, we can find them. Keep up and keep quiet. If you become a liability, I'll kill you." He told me. I frowned, but said nothing to that as Hunter started to move into the woods again. I stuck close behind him, watching him expertly track the wolves through the woods. The whole way we moved, I could smell the strong scent of wolf. The grass was pushed down where they walked, and very faintly could I hear their voices. It was a wonder they hadn't picked up on us already with their strong sense of smell.

It was the thing of legend. Wolves used their sense of smell to hunt their prey for miles. Did they already know we were here? Were they planning to turn and fight?

At the way Hunter was relaxed as he hunted, gun tucked close to him, he didn't even seem to suspect an ambush of any kind. We continued on for what felt like forever before Hunter pulled up short and put his arm out in front of me to keep me from going any further. I frowned curiously at him and he held his finger to his lips, indicating that I remain quiet. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him, seeing as I couldn't talk. We stood there for a few minutes before Hunter gestured me to follow him.

We approached what looked like a small village set amongst all the trees. The log cabins were scattered around a large dirt clearing where dozens of people milled around. Children were laughing and playing with toys, mothers hanging clothes out to dry or cooking inside their homes that spit smoke into the sky. They had electricity to fuel the lights that lit the place up almost as brightly as day might be.

The Vampire's Requiem [malexmale]Where stories live. Discover now