32. We Are Survivors [END]

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"Where exactly did you last see Candy?" Emanuel asks as he glances back at Brian.

"Umm...it was near the back exit, where it leads out to the portables." Brian says after some quick thinking. Eb squints at him as she tries to understand why he's being so anxious.

Eb leans in close to David, "Brian's acting really weird."

"Why do you say that?"

"I can tell by the way he's acting, I've been around him long enough to know when something is up with him." Eb says as she looks Brian up and down.

David shrugs his shoulders, "Why would he decide to lie about Candy? It doesn't make sense, I'm sure it's nothing."

"I hope your right."

Akira groans as a sharp pain shoots up her thigh, "Damn!" She cries out as she puts some pressure on it.

"Are you okay?" Gary asks her. Akira nods her head and continues walking alongside him.

"Once we get past these portables, we'll be in the school. I hope everyone's okay." Gary says as he thinks about David.

Gary and Akira trudge along pass the portables, in the distance James watches them get closer, a small smile forms at the corner of his lips.

"Welcome Akira and Gary."

Gary and Akira both stop in their tracks at the sudden sound of James. They put instantly put their backs to one another.

"We'll keep our backs to each other, but we will keep moving." Gary says to Akira, she nods her head and they both continue walking to the doors.

"I hope you two are ready to die. I've been waiting most anxiously for you two."

"It's because we're your favorites, we know. Sicko." Akira says as she spits at him.

James chuckles, his wings sprout from his back. He dives off the roof and flies towards the two who are a few yards from the entrance. Gary cries out in pain as James tackles him into the wall of a portable. Akira tries to help him, but James flicks her away with his tail.

"Oh Gary, tsk tsk. Now that Brian is helping me out, you won't get a chance to see your precious boyfriend." James says with a sly smile.

"Brian's...helping you? Do what?" Gary anxiously asks.

James snickers, "He's helping me collect some souls!"

Akira runs up James' back and kicks him hard on the spine. She jerks her body backwards, pulling James with her. Akira barrel rolls backwards with James, she sends him soaring back. James lands on his stomach, as he lifts up his head Akira kicks him in the center of his face. She then begins kicking him several times in the head before digging her foot into his back again.

Gary crouches down over James and quickly snaps his neck.

"We did it." Gary says as he smiles up at her.

"Did you?"

Gary gasps when he looks down and sees James looking up at him with red eyes. He and Akira dash towards the door, James swoops behind Gary and kicks him with all his might. The kicks sends Gary through the glass door, he skids across the hallway until hitting the wall.

Akira stops to turn around and fight James, but he punches her across the face. She breaks through the other glass door and skids near Gary.

"Did you guys hear that?" David asks when he hears glass shattering.

"It could be Candy! Let's go!" Emanuel says as he begins running towards the noises. As they all round a corner they see Gary and Akira nearly unconscious on the ground.

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