13. Scream (October Fright Feast)

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For the remainder of this month I will be posting a new *horror* themed story with these characters. I'll post them as soon as I finish writing them. I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to have some paranormal, creature, slasher, etc situations. I hope you all enjoy them. :)


"Please don't hurt me...please! Please stop!" A girls cries echo throughout the night in the gloomy woods.

A white mist begins to seep through the moist grass as it covers the entire ground of the woods. An eerie animal howl blaring every few minutes in the distance.

A girl in a white dress dashes past some dark green bushes, high tailing it away from something. Akira looks back to check to see if whatever she was running from was chasing her, but she doesn't see anything.

She continues running and running while trying to scream for anyone to hear her.

"Gary! David! Amber!!!" Akira screams Amber's name the loudest. Akira begins to hear twigs snapping behind her as she's running, Akira picks up speed as she feels the presence of someone behind her.

The twigs snapping stops behind her, Akira doesn't dare stop and she continues running through the dark woods.

"Somebody help MEEE!" Akira screams as she begins to hear muffled moaning and groaning in the distance.

Akira jumps over a log in her way, but the tip of her foot hits the log making her fall face first to the ground. She quickly lifts her head up, staying completely still and quiet as she hears the footsteps of someone walking on dried leafs near her.

Tears begin to stream down her face as she shakes uncontrollably from the fear and cold. A tall lanky figure walks by her, she slowly looks up at it and sees it staring down at her. It's yellow eyes staring straight into her own, Akira keeps quiet as her mouth slightly hangs open in shock.

The lanky figure looks up and continues walking, Akira sees the figure disappear a few yards away. She gulps loudly as she slowly gets on all fours then to her feet. She takes a step back and bumps into something, her eyes widen in fear when she feels around what she bumped into. She feels a coat and runs her hands over a few buttons, she slowly turns around to see the shadowy figure standing there.

Akira screams in horror as its lashes out at her. Her screams and cries of help echoing in the woods.

Gary's ears perk up as he looks around his surroundings, "Akira." He softly says her name aloud after he hears her faint cries for help.

Gary turns around to see David and Amber also trying to find where it came from. "Where is she?" Amber softly asks as she hugs herself to keep warm.

"I don't know, but we have to get out of these woods! We can come back with help!" Gary cries out as he sniffles, trying to hold back the tears swelling in his eyes.

"What if that thing got her!?" Amber spouts out as she feels goosebumps all over her.

David shakes his head, "We don't have time to think about that right now. We need to go. Now!" He says as he grabs both Gary and Amber's hands and drags them along.

"Why did we even agree to come here?!" Amber hoarsely asks as she waves her arms around.

"Shhh. Keep quiet." David says as he looks back at her. Amber bites her lip as she nods her head.

"It's safe to assume that we're the only ones left and that thing got everyone else." David says as he continues trudging along.

They suddenly hear twigs snapping near them, everyone immediately halts. They're eyes wide with fear, David slowly kneels down. Amber and Gary both look around without moving their heads.

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