10. Love (Never) Wins

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"Okay, so Brian finally asked me out to Prom and I'm super excited! I'm gonna need your help picking out a dress for me, okay, Akira?" Sarah asks as she glances back at Akira, who's sitting behind her.

Akira smiles and nods her head, "Finally. I can't believe he waited so long to ask. But hell yeah I do, you wanna go after school?" Akira whispers so that the teacher doesn't hear them talking. Sarah nods her head yes.

Gary groans as he exits a classroom, with a slip of paper in his hand and his backpack dragging along behind him. He stares at the slip of paper and shakes his head as he looks back up to see Jason and Emanuel walking together. He immediately looks away when they notice him, Gary suddenly feels a large lump in his throat as they pass by him.

As Gary glances back he sees them both holding hands. Emanuel then looks back at Gary, but Gary quickly looks away. Gary picks up his pace and rounds a corner, he leans against the wall, breathing heavily.

Tears begin to swell in his eyes as he fights to keep from crying. He looks up at the clock and sees the time, he wipes away the tears from his face and continues walking. As he passes some large windows along the walls he sees the leaves already different colors and falling from the trees.

Gary suddenly feels a vibration in his pocket, he pulls out his cell to see a text from Amber.

Hey, we're gonna go off campus to get some food at Chicken Express. Do you wanna come?

Gary looks up from the text and thinks to himself for a moment before writing, Will Emanuel be going also?

Gary walks up to a door that says 'Counselors Office' written on the window. He hears the vibration again.

Yeah. But separately...

No thank you, I'll just eat by the tree again today.

Gary lets out a sigh as he puts the phone back and steps inside the room.

Amber looks up from her phone and leans back in her seat, "Damnit. I'm such a terrible friend." Amber says aloud as she slams her head against the table. Brian glances at her from across the table.

"What'd you do?" He curiously asks.

"It's what I'm not doing. I'm not being a good friend to him...and neither are you!" Amber hoarsely shouts at him. She suddenly hears the librarian shush her.

Brian frowns in confusion at her, "I am a good friend to him. He just pushes himself away from me." Brian softly murmurs.

Amber crosses her arms and gives a look of anger, "Your not supposed to let him push himself away. We need to do something to cheer him up." Amber says as she begins thinking to herself.

"Well you maybe you should stop inviting Emanuel everywhere with us." Brian suggests as he continues working on some homework. Amber gives him a stern look.

"He's our friend, it's not like I can just cut my ties with him. I couldn't do that. But then again I do love Gary more than Emanuel...ugh, why did this have to happen?" Amber asks herself as she slams her head back down again.

Brian rolls his eyes, "Your the worst friend."

"I know! That's what I keep saying!" Amber yells out as she flails her arms around. The Librarian shushes her again.

"Damn you, I got it Mrs, Bird! " Amber yells at her. The Librarian rolls her eyes as she continues reading her book.

Brian laughs at Amber's sudden brash against the Librarian. "Why are you always mean to her? She's just a little old lady." Brian curiously asks.

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