29. Graduation Night pt. 2*

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Brian looks outside the kitchen window and sees Emanuel and Eb still outside talking.

"What's up with those two?" He asks as he turns to Akira.

She shrugs her shoulders and continues to drink her beer. Akira puts her back to the sink and sees everyone laughing and having fun.

Carl and Casey scream as they both nearly topple over Candy, who is siting on the floor laughing.

"Watch where your going!"

"Sorry! We can barely see straight right now!" Carl yells out as he slightly slurs his words. Casey chuckles as she shakes her head, "It's barely been an hour and your already shit faced."

Carl puts his finger up to her lips shushing her, "No one knows." He says as he gives her a dopey smile. Candy and Casey both burst into a fit of laughter, Carl watches them suspiciously. He makes his way to the kitchen for more alcohol.

Akira suddenly feels her phone vibrate in her pocket, she pulls it out and her eyes widen in fear. Brian notices her expression and glances at the phone, "Oh shit."

Akira looks to him, "What do I do?"

"Answer it!"

Akira nods her head and runs upstairs with Brian behind her. They stop in the hallway, "Hello?" Akira says as she puts the phone on speaker.

"Akira....its Sarah."

Gary and David see Akira and Brian rushing up the steps, "What are those two up to?" David curiously asks as he sees them disappear upstairs.

"Who cares! Let's party!" Gary shouts as he holds up a few shot glasses. David laughs as he takes one and chugs it down with Gary.

Jason smirks as he sees Gary and David having fun, he walks over to the kitchen window and sees Emanuel and Eb still talking.

"I wonder what the hell they're talking about?" Jason asks himself as he peers closer to the door. Carl sticks his head out as well.

"Maybe he's cheating on you with her." Carl suggest as he shrugs his shoulders. Jason glances at him, glaring. Carl awkwardly laughs as he runs off.

"Sarah?" Akira shakily asks.

"Yes, it's me. I need to tell you something."

Akira and Brian both grown as they look at one another, "What is it?"

Sarah keeps quiet for a few moments before she exhales some air, "It's James, he came to me and informed me about everything that's happened while I was gone. I'm sorry about your parents...and Amber." Sarah sincerely says.

Akira keeps quiet. "He told me give you all a message." Sarah says as she sniffles, that's when both Akira and Brian realize she's crying.

"Sarah, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Brian asks as he leans in close.

"Brian? It's so good to hear your voice."

"Yeah, it's me. What's wrong?" Brian anxiously asks.

Sarah sniffles as she wipes her noise, "James told me to tell you all that's he's coming. He's gonna hit you all so hard that you won't even see it coming."

A bone chilling feeling creeps up both of their spines.

"Akira. Brian. I'm on my last life. I was killed on the night of the fire, I overdosed."

"Sarah, why are you telling us this?" Brian curiously asks as his voice begins to get shaky.

Sarah continues to softly cry into the phone, "He's here."

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