4. Zombies!

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A teenage girl with a short dirty blonde hair steps into a doorway with a handgun aimed and ready. Sarah tightens the grip around her handgun as she walks through the dark lit living room. She sees the couch tilted over and the tv smashed on the floor.

She glances into the kitchen doorway, but doesn't see anyone.

"Emanuel?" No reply.

Sarah steps into the kitchen and sees a few pots with spoiled food inside of them. Dirty dishes stacked up high with flies flying around them by the dozens.

"Ugh." Sarah groans as she covers her mouth. She quickly makes her way out of the kitchen and to the bottom steps of the staircase. She looks up at the dark and eerie hallway, she shakes her head, "Hell no."

As she's about to walk out the door, she hears the floor creaking on the floor above her. She groans as she looks back, she pulls out her flashlight and shines the light up the stairs.

"Hello? Is anybody up there?" No reply.

She hears the floor creak even more up there, Sarah groans as she begins to walk up the stairs slowly. As she's halfway up she shines the light down the hallway, but doesn't see anyone.

Her heart begins to pound harder and faster in her chest, she lets out a sigh as she stands in front of Emanuel's bedroom door. She sees the door slightly cracked and slowly pushes it open, she immediately covers her mouth as she sees Emanuel eating his mothers stomach.

"Oh god." Sarah says as she walks back out of the room. Emanuel snaps his head in Sarah's direction, she sees his mouth covered in blood and some bits of flesh stuck in his teeth. She then notices the bite mark on his shoulder.

"Emanuel..." Sarah softly calls out his name. Emanuel stands up and roars as he runs towards her, Sarah screams in horror as she slams the door shut on him. Emanuel begins to punch and slam his head against the door. Sarah races down the stairs and out the door to the front lawn, she sees Gary and Akira waiting for her by Gary's jeep.

Sarah bends over, breathing heavily. Gary let's out a sigh as he shakes his head. "He's turned, hasn't he?" Gary asks, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah...I'm sorry Gary." Sarah apologizes as she looks up at him. Gary looks up at Emanuel's window and sees a shadow walk by.

"Idiot...I told him not to come back home."

"Let's go. We can't stay here much longer." Akira says as she gets into the passenger seat of Gary's jeep. Sarah sits in the back seat, she looks out her window and sees Gary staring up at Emanuel's window.


"I'm coming." Gary softly says as he walks around the jeep and into the drivers seat. He turns on the jeep and drives down the road, he looks at Emanuel's house in the rear view mirrors, seeing it get farther and farther away.

"Did Amber and Brian say when they would be back?" Gary curiously asks.

"They said they were gonna go into town and try to find more food. I'm sure they'll meet us at the base." Akira says as she looks out her window, seeing all the houses trashed and some corpses laying in the yards.

"I'm loosing track of my days..." Akira says as she crosses her arms, letting her thoughts be known. Gary smirks, "Me too. I can't believe it's only been a year since this started. Feels like it's been longer then that."

"It's still hard to believe it even happen. You think we'll see the day when it's finally over?" Akira asks as she glances at the two of them.

Sarah shakes her head, "No...but who knows really."

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