7. Its Not Worth the Trouble pt. 1

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"Where did I go wrong? How did it let it get to this? Should I of seen this coming? All these questions with answers I can't give right now. I'm sure your wondering what the hell I'm talking about, the truth is...I'm not too sure myself. But I mean I knew selling drugs would make enemies for me, I just never thought anything would really happen. How naive of me. I guess I should start where my dilemma began..."

*8 Hours Earlier*

Amber pulls up to a large mansion in her pink Lamborghini. She drives up to the black metal gates and presses a buzzer near the gates. A moment passes before a husky voices booms from the small black box.

"What business do you have here?"

"The Mayor needed to see me. We have some important documents to go over." Amber says without even glancing at the small box. She hears a buzzer sounding for the gates to slowly push open. Amber smirks as she drives through the long grass trail with trees along the side of the trail. She takes the trail a few minutes before stopping at a large fountain with Angel's spouting out water from there mouths into the pool of water, aligned along the sides of the fountain.

She drives around the fountain and parks her car next to the staircase. Amber sits there for a moment to take a deep breathe before pulling of her shades and stepping out the car. Amber gracefully walks up the steps, the tail of her red dress slightly dragging behind her. She flashes a smile at the doorman as he opens the door for her, he smiles back as she walks by.

Amber immediately smells the aroma of roses and delicious meals being passed around by the waiters to different high classed people sitting around different tables. She hears them laughing and talking amongst themselves, obviously faking there's smiles and interests in one another.

She stands by a glossy wooden pillar and leans against it, watching the dozens of people enjoying themselves. As a waiter passes with a tray of champagne glasses, she scoops one up and begins sipping on it.

"Ms. Reynolds, how nice of you to join us this evening. I didn't think you'd be coming on such short notice." A man says as he walks up to her. Amber fakes a smile at him as she crosses her arms, slightly pushing up her breasts.

"Well I couldn't miss out on an opportunity like this, orders like this don't come around often." Amber says as she flashes him a smirk. The Mayor smiles brightly as he sticks his arm out behind him, leading Amber towards his office.

"Please let's discuss this more in my office. We don't have much time before dessert will be served. I'd hate for my guests to miss out on the secret ingredient." The Mayor says as he walks beside Amber to his office on the other end of the dinning room.

Amber takes a seat and crosses her leg as the Mayor sits down across from her in his much longer and comfier seat.

"I've got the few kilos of coke with me. Do you have the cash?" Amber asks without showing too much emotion and being as professional as possible. The Mayor nods his head and opens his drawer, he pulls out a black briefcase and puts it down on the table. He pops open the lid and spins it around, Amber reaches out and slowly opens the brief case to see stacks of hundred dollar bills in it. She nods her head as she takes in a deep breath, inhaling the smell of fresh bills.

Amber closes the briefcase and stands up, "You've got yourself a deal. The car should be out back by the kitchen by now."

The Mayor nods his head and stands up, he presses a button on his desk. Suddenly a door to there left opens up and a man carrying a bag of coke on a tray walks to the Mayor and places it down on the desk. The Mayor pulls out a switch blade from his jacket pocket and makes a cut across the top of the bag, he puts the blade back and runs his finger through the coke and puts it in his mouth.

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