Chapter Twenty-four- Carlisle's POV (Edited)

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Chapter Twenty-four

Carlisle's POV

We arrived at my home and still clutching the iPod and Kayla's prized galaxy headphones I sprinted upstairs with Nellie, while the boys stayed downstairs with the parents, to my bedroom. I placed the items I was holding on my bed and looked around. It felt like years since I had seen my purple blanket over my fushia pink sofa or the white silk curtains I had begged Mum to buy two years ago. My bed was made and inviting as usual. It was as if I had never been gone.

"I love your bedroom!" Nellie said rushing to the sofa and putting the throw around her shoulder. It was strange because normally I was quite particular about people touching my things, especially in my room, but instead of saying anything I sat next to her and cracked a smile. She handed me one half of the blanket. I took it and wrapped it around my shoulders. I was tempted to ask her about her Mum because I didn't see anyone who appeared to be Nellie's Mother. I didn't though since I didn't think it was any of my business. She had told me a bit about her dad, but she never talked about her Mum nor any sibling. Maybe she was an only child.

"Carli! Helen!" My dad yelled," Dinner's ready!"

"Dinner?" she laughed," I am stuffed! I honestly couldn't eat a single thing!" I giggled at her. She repeated the same thing twice, but in different ways. I thought that she was just expressing herself in her excitement to be with her Dad again.

"I know what you mean. Same here,"

"I've made your favourite!" Dad said, when we came downstairs, bursting with happiness.

"Yes, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I actually jumped up and down like an idiot. Of course as I said before the food we had was all genetically modified, but it was still damn good. The only people who had access to real food was the Government, and even then when there were feasts for the public in the town Hall they give us modified food. Scientists who invented the 'fake' food were of course also allowed to eat real food.

Dad had already set the table with our fanciest table cloth to celebrate our return. Dad served out the pizza or sushi to whoever wanted it.

"Before we start eating I want to make toast," Said Dad. I groaned internally. Dad's toasts always turned out to be humiliating. Luckily my Mum had always said exactly the right thing at the right time. Obviously that day Mum wasn't there.

"To the return of most," he stopped and looked at Kayla's Mum apologetically before talking again," of our children's return." We clinked glasses and started eating making small talk at first since no one wanted to talk about The Survival Games. We were relieved and just starting to relax when gradually more questions about what we experienced over the last two months. Nellie was surprisingly good around either avoiding or ignoring a question without being rude. Eventually they got the hint and stopped, thank God. We are traumatised as it was, we didn't need people asking questions. When dinner finished quite late people started to disperse until the last people, Nellie and her Dad, whose name was Miles had yet to leave. Dad invited them to stay the night since they lived a long way from my house, at that time they lived in Sunshinghill. Her Dad gratefully accepted the invitation. Nathan's parents quickly offered to take Jaxon who apparently had no parents. He graciously agreed and off they went. I offered Miles and Nellie both a drink and stayed with them while Dad made up the guest bedroom and my sofa bed. The one that Nellie seemed to like so much. Once that was done we said our good nights and, while Dad showed Miles his room for the night, Nellie and I made our way to my bedroom. We didn't talk much; we were so tired. Thinking about the last few weeks we climbed into our beds emotionally drained. Once in bed I picked up the galaxy headphones and slipped them on. When I finally found the song I was looking for, Far Away by Nickelback, the same song Kayla told me to listen to just before she died. By the time the song ended I was sobbing and being a bit pathetic if I was being honest. Sometimes I still sort of wonder why she wanted me to listen to it so badly, but I loved it and I'm sure she would have known that. It was a romantic and amazing song after all. I recommend it thoroughly. I'm even listening to it now, as I write, after all these years.

My Favourite lyrics then and to this day is: "I love you

I have loved you all along

And I miss you

Been far away for far too long

I keep dreaming you'll be with me

and you'll never go.

Stop breathing if

I don't see you anymore."

Once I listened to the song about five times I both fell into a deep, but troubled sleep with Kayla's headphones still on and the iPod dangling dangerously off the side of my bed.

Survival (NaNoWriMo 2015) (✔️) {Edited 2018}Where stories live. Discover now