Chapter eight- Carlisle's POV (Edited)

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Chapter eight

Carlisle's POV

My back was aching so badly. It felt like knives were waiting to protrude out of my back. The pain radiated all over my body. The skin on my back started to tear where two knives or something else sharp were literally bursting to break free. When the agony gradually ceased I saw I had the most stunning wings I had ever seen in my life. They had iridescent stars on them and a galactic night sky on them. I was able to hug myself with my wings and I think Kayla was there. I wrapped one of my wings around her. Suddenly out of nowhere an attacker came out of the forest and sliced my arms. The pain was excruciating. I woke up with a start screaming.

"Shush, it's okay. It is only a dream!" Kayla said trying to comfort me.

It felt so real though! I was crying. Kayla turned on the lights and shrieked shocked.

"What happened to your arms?!" I looked down at them in horror. They were both bleeding and had so many deep slashes on them that I coup see any skin.

"I have no idea what happened!" I said tearing up frightened.

"We need to get you cleaned up! Let's go!" we went to the kitchen together. I remember shaking with pain and fear. We found some bandages and Kayla gently bandage my painful arms while I whimpered. We then went back to bed while I told her about my strange dream.

What she said next chilled me to the bone." Maybe it wasn't a dream? Because of your poor arms." I shivered and it wasn't from the cold.

"Do you really think I will wake up with wings?" I asked.

"Well we have been through such strange things lately that I wouldn't be surprised to be honest," she responded regretfully. We agreed to try and get some more sleep. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The Death Announcement sounded loudly," Rayn milkiway, from Rainbowhill."

We heard Owen cry out as the name was carved into his skin. We walked to his room to help him.

"What happened to your arms, Carlisle?" Jaxon asked, his blue eyes filled with concern.

I told them about my dream and how when I woke up my arms had the same injuries.

"How extraordinary! Are you sure you were dreaming?" Owen piped up.

"That's what I asked as well. Strange,"

"Well now that I think about it I don't actually know." I muttered scared.

They all hugged me with slightly frightened looks on their faces. How can dreams come to life? I obviously didn't go anywhere as I was in bed the whole time. We decided to go back to exploring outside. After a while I found a few feathers that looked like my wings in my dream. I showed the others who were freaked out just like I was. We walked some more to nowhere in particular and sat down to have a drink and talk about the odd events that have been happening to us. Is the whole forest spellbound? We had no idea. We decided to go back, but after a while we got lost. Eventually we got back freezing and wet from the rain. We got back safely and dried our clothes. We changed and had dinner speaking about my wings I might have. I zoned out for a while and decided to go to bed early while the others talk further. I was exhausted. In morning we had breakfast and went out to swinging on the hopefully non-dangerous swing.

"Why does this pebble keep on heating up?!" Kayla asked throwing it at me.

I put it in my pocket. Suddenly I sharp pain in my back caused me to collapse. Again knives felt as if they were protruding from my back. On the two sides of my back something started to grow. I was again confronted with my beautiful galactic wings. Kayla gasped in awe and Helen reached out to touch them. I giggled.

Survival (NaNoWriMo 2015) (✔️) {Edited 2018}Where stories live. Discover now