Chapter Twenty-two- Carlisle's POV (Edited)

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Chapter Twenty-two

Carlisle's POV

I watched as my friends and Blu, Lucia and Celia, who I still weren't sure about, descended into the pits of Hell. I left the tree house quickly in fear of being dragged to Aingealworld. I paced nervously in anticipation. I sat on a swing my feet on ground where I knew Kayla now was. I thought about the kids who would swing here not knowing about Kayla and trample on our her grave, but Kayla would want to be here. She would want to be with children. Kayla was a twin originally, but both her Dad and her twin died. She didn't even tell me until three years after we met. We had known each other for 13 years. Owen came to join me and sat on the other swing in silence. Thankfully he didn't try to speak to me.

We sat that like for awhile until I said," Why did you do it? Why did you put us threw us?"

"I wanted to tell you before this all happened. The other Rulers of Aingealworld wanted me to bring you here and the perfect opportunity arose when Melissa initiated the Survival Games. I honestly had no idea that Luce was going to kill Kayla. I was shocked and horrified when I heard that," His eyes flashed purple, which showed me he was telling the truth.

"Okay, but why did you run to are like that. Didn't you care for Kayla at all?" I asked.

"Of course I did! I still do," He looked down where her grave now was with tenderness," I just hadn't seen Luce for five long years. We known each other for 80 years." What I did next surprised both of us, Jaxon and Aqua who were silently watching us. I walked up to him and hugged him tightly. That must be horrible to only see your soulmate every five years, especially after 80 long years of never being allowed to really be together. He wrapped his muscular arms around me and I had the sudden urge to unfurl my wings. It was the same feeling I got when with Kayla. 

"Do you have an urge to unfurl your wings?" Cam asked.

"How did you know that?" I said pulling away to look at him.

"Well it is contradictory, because every time you are with someone you love or care about someone your wings want to hug the person, but if you are in danger your wings want to protect you so they want to unfold to wrap themselves around you or fly away," He explained.

"Oh that's why when I was in Aingealworld or Hell the extreme urge started swelling inside me," I didn't mention it before because I didn't know what was happening to me.

"Well the more you know," Jaxon muttered darkly. I still think that  he was just afraid of the magnificent wings growing inside him. I was too at first, but I grew fond of them quickly. They helped me escape countless times before.  All the angels wings, including mine, that I saw so far were stunning. In fact they were one of the only things things, including my blue eyes, I liked about myself. I thought back to something Kayla had said to me the night before the Games," If only one of us is chosen and how we don't survive after all know that I think you are the most stunning person in the world and that I love you." I remember saying and thinking the exactly the same towards her.

Suddenly we heard a tremendous crash  that seemed to echo around the forest. We ran towards the underground tree house since the sound was coming from there.

"I'll check, you wait here," Cam said nearly diving into the house. I then heard the most awful sound. The sound of pure pain resonated off the walls. It was Nathan! They climbed and carried Nathan and gently placed him down the the grass close to a slide and the swings.

"Quick! Help! He has been poisoned. Somebody appeared to fall down a sort of vertical tunnel and offer him food because he was starving. He thought that the boy was just as unfortunate as him, but he was working for Cooper. Nathan was too weak to unfurl his wings all the way so he couldn't fly." Nellie was hysterical. Blu, Celia and Lucia looked pale and frightened, which was saying something. I hugged Nellie and looked down at Nathan. His wings were not fully spanned out, we could see that his wings were silver and kind of glowed. He was in so much agony; it was as if he was bleeding from the inside.

"He has to have some water and cactus juice," Lucia said.

Cact-cactu-cactus jui-juic-juice?" Nathan spoke, dark red blood leaking out of his mouth.

"Shh. It's OK. We will save you. Cactus Juice helps calm down the poison," Celia said kindly surprising us all.

"I have known you for 80 years and you have only been nice about twice in your life. What is going on?" Owen said.

"You don't give me enough credit!" she laughed not answering his question. We realised that Blu was gone and Owen's face want pale. He was certainly extremely worried.

"LUCE! Where are you?" He screamed running into the tree house. I noticed out of the corner of my eye Nellie clutching onto Nathan hand. He was holding on so tightly that her knuckles were white.

"I have the juice! Lucia stole it from her Dad's room. Calm down Cam. Honestly! I am fine," Blu said from the enchanted house.

"You could have been killed! Do you know that? You could be lying there where Nathan is right now. That kind of poison kills immortals, some angels and demi-angels and all mortals. God knows why Nathan is he is still breathing, expect full angels or the fallen. Don't get me wrong I'm glad he is," He said.

"While we are wasting time discussing my death Nathan is in severe danger." She came out holding a glass bottle with green liquid. Owen just seemed to notice Nathan's wings and grasped Blu's wrist.

"Ow! What is going on Cam?" Blu looked alarmed.

"Look at his wings!" He said pointing.

"Damn!" She said startled.

"OK we can talk about all that later. Give me the juice," Lucia called grabbing it out of Blu's out stretched hand. Nathan held out his weak arm. His hand shook violently.

"It's okay. I'll do it," Nellie said reaching for the bottle and he took a sip. Gradually he began to get a bit stronger and took hold the the glass bottle which Nellie was holding so in a way they were both helping each other help him. I watched for a while, but then I decided to let Nellie be alone with Nathan. Lucia suddenly cried out in delight behind me and we all came running, including the Dolangions. Nathan's arm was wrapped around Nellie's shoulders and he was actually standing up and then walking. He was very wobbly. His wings shot out of his back nearly knocking Nellie flying. His left wing wrapped around her waist. They glowed and pulsing as though they had an extra heart. Although our wings are stunning none of them are hot white and glowing like his.

"Your wings don't glow because you are not a Demi-Angel. I can't believe we didn't notice this before," Owen said slapping his hand on his forehead," His wings are glowing because he is an angel. His parents are fallen angels."

Survival (NaNoWriMo 2015) (✔️) {Edited 2018}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ