Jamie All Over - Song preference

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Calum: {I had a dream last night we drove out to see Las Vegas. We lost ourselves in the bright lights} We were sitting in the car, singing (off key may I add) to the song on the radio. It was at least one in the morning when Y/N screeched and began hitting my arm. "We're here! We're here!" she yelled, causing me to laugh at her childish ways. We continued to drive as the bright lights surrounded us. That's when I woke up. I let my eyes adjust to the light surrounding me and looked at the clock. 10:27 am. I groaned as I stretch out, kicking something by accident. "Wow, it's only 10:30 and you're already aggressive." I heard Y/N joke. I smiled and looked over at her. She was sitting against the headboard reading a book. I grabbed the book from her hands and put a bookmark in the page before closing it. I put it on the bedside table and rolled back over and on top of Y/N. "Cal, get off me." she giggled. I began attacking her face with kisses as she tried to push me off. I pinned her wrists above her head as I continued kissing her face. "Cal! Stop!" she giggled. I planted my lips onto hers and smiled as she kissed me back. "Why the sudden attack?" she whispered into the kiss. "Am I not allowed to love my girlfriend?" I asked whilst pulling away. "True." she said, earning a slight chuckle from me. "Wanna drive to Vegas?" I asked randomly. "Why?" she asked confused. "Well, I had a dream last night that we drove off to see Las Vegas and we lost ourselves in the beautiful bright lights." I stated. "Well, that sounds like a good reason." she laughed. "So yeah?" I asked. "Let's do it." she said as she jumped out of bed, pulling me out along with her.

hehehehehehhee I LOVE THIS SONG

Ashton: {Please don't tell me that I'm dreaming} I loved spending time with Y/N. She always made me smile no matter the situation. That's what I loved most about her. So, tonight I decided to surprise her with something she's been dreaming of doing. I got dressed into a black, long sleeve shirt with some jeans and a flannel around my waist and walked into the kitchen. Y/N was currently out running some errands so I took this as a perfect opportunity to make the picnic basket and put it in the car before she got home. By the time she got back, I had just got back into the house. I walked back into the kitchen to hear her opening the door and seeing her walk into the kitchen. "Hey, love." I smiled. "Hey, Ash." she said as she kissed my cheek. "Hey, go get ready, we're going out tonight." I said. "We are?" she asked confused. "Mhm." I smiled. "Okay." she laughed as she walked upstairs to change. A few minutes later, she came down wearing a black, lace tank top and some mid thigh shorts. She had a little bit of makeup on but not too much. Her hair fell around her shoulders causing me to smile. "You look beautiful." I breathed. She giggled as I took her hand and pulled her out the door. We hopped into my car and I began driving to the secret location. "Ash, where are we?" she asked as I pulled into a field. "In a car." I said sarcastically. She looked at me with that Are-You-Serious face as a laughed. I parked the car and got out, running the the trunk to grab the basket, then to her side to open her door. She got out and looked around as her mouth hung open. "M'lady." I smiled, motioning her towards to picnic blanket I had Luke set up earlier. She gasped and walked over to it. I saw her shiver so I quickly put down the basket and put my flannel over her shoulders. "Please don't tell me I'm dreaming." she smirked. "You're not, love." I whispered as I kissed her nose.


Luke: {all I ever wanted was to dream another sunset with you} I was a wreck. I haven't left my room since the break up. Two weeks ago. I can't even remember what the fight was about. Probably something stupid. I still loved her. I can't live without her. This is what happens when I'm without her. The boys dropped by a few times and told me I needed to get over her but what I don't think they understand is that I was in love with her. I still am in love with her. I'll always be in love with her. She had the ability to captivate me. Not many people could do that. I heard a knock on my door, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "Go away!" I yelled, hoping they would hear me. I heard the door open anyways but didn't bother to move from my spot on my bed. "You look terrible." I heard a feminine voice whisper. I looked up to see Y/N standing in the frame of my door. But it wasn't really her. It was a sadder, more lonely her. Her usual bright eyes were glossed over and red. Her skin was almost a gray looking and her hair was a mess. "You don't look so good yourself." I said. She chuckled and looked down at her feet. "Why are you here?" I asked. She snapped her head up to look at me. "I missed you." she said after a  few seconds, hardly audible. I chuckled as I put my face back into my bed. "Luke, I don't expect you to listen, but I'd like you to." she said. I looked back up to see her sitting on my bed a few inches away from me. "I'm sorry. Whatever I did to make you so mad? I'm sorry. I don't know what I did but what I do know is that I can't live without you. I need you in my life, Luke. And I can obviously see that you need me to. So, please, forgive me." she cried. I looked around, not exactly knowing what to say. "All I ever wanted was to dream another sunset with you. To dream another sunset with you for the rest of my life." I said after a moment of silence. She put her hand on mine and smiled. "I'm sorry." I said as I jumped up and kissed her again, feeling the sense of nostalgia and craving more.

Awww this is actually kinda cute

Michael: {You opened up into my arms. And we laughed as I held you} "No you didn't!" I laughed. "It's true!" Ashton called out with his hands in the air. "Oh m god!" Y/N laughed in my lap. "Okay! Okay! Y/N your turn. Tell us an embarrassing story!" Ash said as he pointed to Y/N. "Okay." she said as she began telling the story. The entire time, she couldn't stop laughing. Everyone was already dying of laughter by the end of the story. I held onto her as tight as I could. "Mikey, you okay?" she asked once she composed herself. "Yeah. I just wanna make sure I never lose you." I smiled. She smiled as her cheeks turned red. "Aww! Stop being such a cute couple!" Luke said, causing everyone to laugh. "Oh you mean stop doing this?" Y/N said, turning around and planting her lips onto mine. I glided my tongue across her bottom lip as she opened her mouth a little, allowing me to deepen the kiss. "Yes! Stop doing that!" Luke laughed. I chuckled causing her to smile. "Sorry, Luke. Tweet it to the world that Muke is over." I laughed. "Yes! Malum for life!" Calum cheered. "Mikey! Muke is love! Muke is life!" Luke whined. "No offense, Luke. Malum is so much better." Y/N said, causing a laugh to escape my mouth. "What about us?" I asked, looking up to her. "Well, we're the best but I so ship Malum." she laughed. "I ship Muke!" Y/BF/N yelled as she walked through the door. "Good! Someone to save us from this cute couple-y thing." Luke chanted. "Malum is so much better." Y/N announced. "Muke." Y/BF/N argued. "Malum." Y/N fought. It went on like this for a good five minutes before Y/BF/N said out of the blue, "You guys remind me of Mayday Parade lyrics right now." "You opened into my arms! And I laughed as I held you!" Y/N sang terribly off key. I started laughing and held her tighter, making sure to never let go.

XD XD The last one is so CobxinShirt and I....it's definitely something we'd do. We do it anyway XD

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