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Thank you CobxinShirt for the idea of a proposal chapter. Love youz!

Calum: This is it. Who would've thought? Four and half years later, I'm marrying the love of my life, my ultimate best friend. I marrying Y/N. She is beautiful and amazing and so inspirational. I just love her so much. The way I am going to propose to her is awesome in my mind. We're going to her favourite restaurant. Once we're done at the restaurant, we'll go on a walk to the lake. "Out of nowhere" there will be a beautiful setup and a ring will be hanging from a small string from the tree, she'll most definitely see it and look shocked. I will untie the ring, go on one knee, and pop the question. I only pray that she'll say yes and we'll live happily ever after, just like the fairy tales.

Ahhh if I was the girl, I would say yes!! I can literally just imagine how beautiful everything would look...

Ashton: You loved going to the water park. It was your favourite thing to do. Espicaclly when it was with Ashton. You both really wanted to go today for some strange reason. So, you awoke early and walked to the bathroom to shower. Once you got out, you got dressed in an Aztec patterned bikini, Ashton's favourite. You put on a cover up and went to wake up Ashton, only to notice he wasn't there. You started looking around but couldn't find him. "Y/N!" you heard him call. You walked outside to see Ashton putting something in the trunk of the car. "Let's go! Don't worry, I made you breakfast. You can eat it on the way!" he said excitedly. You shrugged your shoulders, went back inside to get the rest of your stuff, and jumped in the passenger seat. You got to the waterpark and it was empty. You were confused but didn't bother to ask. Ashton picked a spot and pulled you to a slide. You both went on several slides together until you were walking up the steps to one, turned around only to see Ashton wasn't there. You contemplated on whether or not to go back down but you figured, you would see him at the bottom. You went down screaming. Once you sat up, you saw Ashton. He was holding a sign. Y/N, will you slide into my heart and be mine forever? Ashton was smiling nervously. You started crying and nodded. You ran up to him and crashed your lips into his. "Yes." you said in between the kiss.

That's cute. I would grab a towel and then hug him but you know, that's so much work. *she says while laying in bed, texting her mom to bring her food*

Luke: "Thank you so much for being an awesome crowd! We love you so much! But let's talk for a minute." Michael started. "Let's talk about two people." Calum added. "Two people we love very very much." Ashton finished. "One of them, being Luke!" Michael said cheerfully. I started to laugh at that and then said into the microphone, "Yes, this involves me and someone else. Someone very close to the band. Someone who is dragged to every concert. Someone who puts up with the sweatiness, the annoyingness, and the goofiness of us all. Someone who loves all of you just as much as we do, maybe even more. This special person is Y/N. Y/N, please come out." I said looking over to the side of the stage to look at her. She awkwardly walked out and all the fans started shouting and screaming and she just waved to the fans and looked at me nervously. She hugged herself and walked up to me. "This is my beautiful girlfriend of two almost three years. She puts up with everything we do. And I can't thank her enough for that. So, I'm dedicating this song to her. This is She Looks So Perfect." I said and started the song. I told her to stay on stage for the song and she did so as if she didn't have a choice. Half way through the song I looked over at her and she was standing there beautifully and waving to all the fans. I looked at Michael who nodded and ran over to Y/N. I whispered in her ear and got down on one knee. She started crying and the song ended. "Y/N, will you marry me?" the fans were silent, the boys were silent, Y/N was crying. She nodded and I stood up and kissed her. I took the mic off the stand. "She said yes!" I yelled into it. The boys came up and hugged me and Y/N at the same time. The fans were screaming their loudest. And I, was the happiest.

Can you imagine that? If you weren't with Luke but you were in the crowd, how would you react? Would you be sad, happy? Comment!

Michael: "Happy birthday!" I said to wake Y/N up. She fluttered her eyes open and smiled. "Thank you." she said, her voice soft. "How about we go to Barnes and Noble today and get you a few books?" She smiled even bigger and jumped out of bed. "What? No morning kiss?" I whined. "Not until I brush my teeth." she said matter-of-factly. She came out of the bedroom dressed in a polka-dot long sleeve shirt tucked into a plain black skirt. Her hair was up in a pony tail and she was wearing her glasses instead of her contacts. She was wearing panda tights under her skirts and black high tops for shoes. I stared in awe at her. She giggled and grabbed her backpack. "Ready to go?" she asked. "Not without my morning kiss." I said, puckering up my lips. She laughed and kissed them softly. "Okay, now let's go." I said. Once we got there, she ran right up the stairs. I knew exactly where she was going. She was going to the teen fiction center. She turned 22 today and she still loves those books. Then again, I'm 23 and I still wear my ninja turtles onzie. Once I got up stairs, I saw her looking for some recent John Green books. I smiled when I saw her. She always looked beautiful but when she is happy or excited, she's even more beautiful. One of the store ladies walked by and handed me Lost Voices by Sarah Porter, Y/N's favourite book. I smiled and thanked her and walked over to Y/N. "Maybe you should get this book." I said. "But, I already have, like, twelve copies of this." "Yes, but this one is signed by Sarah Porter herself." She stared at it in shock. She took it in her hands delicately. She looked up at me and I smiled nervously. She opened the cover and gasped. Little did she know, I asked Sarah Porter to reprint the book and put a special page at the very beginning asking Y/N to marry me. There was also a ring inside the page. She looked up crying and nodded. "Yes. Yes!" she said happily. I smiled and picked her up into a hug. I spun us around and heard clapping behind us. I put her down and turned around. The entire staff and random people shopping were all clapping. Y/N started laughing and hugged my waist. I simply just smiled and kissed the top of her head.

Oh. My. Lord. If anyone did this to me I would love them forever. If Mikey did this to me, I would literally die. Like *poof* no more. Buh Bye. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little thing that took me FOREVER to finish. I've been avoiding this for awhile. I don't know why. Well, that's actually a lie. I know why. But, it's nothing that big to other people so I wont dare mention it. Okay! Thanks for reading! Love youz! Byez!!!!!!!!!

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