While He's on Tour

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Calum: While he's on tour, you felt hopeless. Sure, there was your facetime and skype calls, but that never actually gave you the warm feeling of Calum right by your side. He noticed you sadness one time during one of you skype calls. "Babe, what's wrong?" he asked. You looked up at your screen to see a concerned looking Calum. "Nothing." you said, trying not to make him feel bad. "Y/N. We may be miles apart but I can always tell when somethings not right. What's wrong?" he added. You let out a breath and looked at the screen once more. "I miss you." you said. It was true but it wasn't all of it. There was so much more you needed to say, but you knew it would make him feel bad or make him want to end the tour and he couldn't do that. "I miss you too. But there's more to it. What else is wrong?" he asked. You looked at your hands, hoping he would grasp them so you'd feel safer, but he didn't. He couldn't. "I need you, Calum. I need you to come home but you can't. You can't leave your tour." you finally choked out, tears falling from your eyes. You looked at your screen to see Calum looking down with a sad, tired face. "Y/N, you say the words and I'm there. I'll do anything for you. I can't keep watching you get hurt every time we talk. Some days I don't even want to talk to you because I know how much it will hurt you. But if I don't, it will hurt me." You couldn't hold your tears in any longer and soon they pooled out. "Y/N, please don't cry." he said sadly. "I'm sorry. Cal, we have to figure something out. I can't keep living like this." you cried. He looked down. "I know. But there's nothing we can do. Besides me coming home." "You can't do that though." you said sadly. "I can though. You just don't want me to." "Because it's your dream that you would be ending. I can't let you do that." you responded. "But this isn't my dream. Sure, it's one of them. But my dream is to keep you happy forever with me by your side, and I can't do that when I'm thousands of miles away." You smiled at that. You couldn't help blush at comments like that from him. "Cal, you're making me happy by just doing that. I'll be fine. I promise." you said, wiping away your tears. He then chuckled and looked down. "You swear?" he asked. "Cross my heart."


Ashton: "Ashton!" you screeched into the phone. "Hey, babe! What's wrong?" he asked concerned. "Does something have to be wrong for me to call you?" you asked. "No, you just seem nervous or excited." "Ding! Ding! Ding!" you chimed excitedly. "What are you excited about?" he laughed. "Well, you know. According to my math, you only have three hundred twenty-seven hours until you get home!" you said excitedly. He laughed and you giggled back. "What?" you asked confused. "You're so cute with your glasses on and hair up like that." he said back. "How'd you know my hair was up and my glasses were on?" you asked confused. "Because, I know what you look like when you do your math homework. I'm also guessing that you're wearing the marvel sweatpants and greenday hoodie?" he asked, causing you to giggle. "Yeah, but how did you know that one?" you asked. "Because, I got you those. I bought you the hoodie when we met them and the marvel pants for half of your birthday present." he chuckled. You smiled to yourself. "Oh yeah. Well, that and they smell like you and I miss you so." you said. "Yeah, yeah. Get back to your homework. Oh! And by the way, it's three hundred sixty hours. Not three twenty-seven." he laughed. You looked at your math confused, then noticed your mistake. "Oh! Okay, I did my math wrong." you said. "Yeah, I know." he said. "See, this is why I need to stay on the line with you. I suck at math and you know that. So, if we stay on, I get to talk to you and I also get help with my homework. It's a win-win for me!" you said excitedly. "Y/N, you just don't want to do it." he said. "Well, yeah. But if you were here, I still wouldn't do it." you said. "C'mon, you know I'd make you do it." he responded. "Oh yeah? And how would you do that?" you asked. "I would chase you around the house, then lock you in our bedroom with me, and then tickle you until you gave in."he said laughing. You started giggling and then said, "How do you know I'd go into our room?" "Because, you always go there because all your stuffed animals that I bought you are in there." he said. "Wow, you've got me mapped out, huh?" you responded, dumbfounded. "Of course! Now, do your homework." "Help me." you pleaded. "But-" "I'm doing my puppy dog eyes." you sang. "Ugh, fine. Give me the problem." he gave in. You giggled and began giving him the problem as you two began finishing your homework.

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