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Let me just start by saying, I'm sorry for this terrifying topic and for the awful writing.

Calum: "Calum?" you screamed as you walked into Michael's house-party. There sweaty bodies surrounding you and touching you, causing the air to be stuffy. "Calum!" you continued to scream as you continued walking through the large house. "Y/N!" you heard Michael yell. You could tell he was drunk by the way he was waddling over to you. "Y/N! You're late! The party started like an hour ago!" Michael yelled over the music. "Michael, where's Calum?" you asked him. He shrugged his shoulders as you groaned and continued on your search. You saw Luke sitting outside on the couch and ran over to him. "Luke! Do you know where Calum is?" you asked him. He looked at you then glanced in another direction then back at you. You slowly turned your head to the direction Luke glanced in and gasped. Tears formed in your eyes causing your vision to get blurry. You couldn't believe your eyes. You were seeing Calum, live in action, making out with some other girl on his lap. You turned to run away but ran into someone causing them to spill all the drinks in their hands. Everyone looked over to the noise but you just looked at Calum. He looked over at you and had a look of terror on his face. "Y/N!" he called in a worried tone. You ignored him and ran away. You ran out the front door and al the way down the street, not bothering to get in your car. "Y/N, wait!" you heard Calum yell. You continued to run, only to be caught by Calum. He grabbed you by the wrist and turned you around. You refused to look at his face. He lifted your chin so you were staring him straight in the eye. "Y/N, listen to me." he said. "Why? I already saw what you were doing! I get it! She's better! Why don't you just break up with me now and date her instead?" you cried. "Y/N. Will you just listen?" he asked, still making sure you were looking at him. "What?" you spat. "I don't like her, Y/N. I love you. You're the only person I ever will love. I know, I just cheated on you. I wasn't thinking and I'm stupid and an idiot and you deserve so much better. I'm so sorry." he finished. You looked at him, not knowing whether to believe him or not. Instead of answering, you broke out of his grip and ran away again. This time, him not following.

Calum! You're such a butthole! Just kidding, I love you. <3

Ashton: You loved Ashton. You couldn't ask for anything more. Ashton was your everything. How could you be doing something this stupid. How could you have your lips pressed against someone else's? Well, in your defense, it wasn't your fault. You were being pushed up against a wall and couldn't move your body away from this guy. Technically, you were being somewhat raped. You weren't even kissing the guy back! You had your eyes wide open when you saw Ashton from behind the guy. The furious yet hurt look on his face killed you inside. You saw him walk up toward you but he disappeared behind the guy pinning you against the wall. Next thing you knew, your wrists were free and the mouth connecting to yours was off. the guy collapsed to the floor. You looked up to see Ashton holding his knuckles and looking at you with a hurt expression. "Ash, it's not what you think!" you quickly said. "Oh yeah? Then what is it, Y/N?" he spat out at you. "Ash, I was being pinned. I couldn't move. I wasn't even kissing him back. I swear!" you quickly responded. "Why was he even here in the first place?" he asked. "He said he wanted to talk. I didn't think he was going to do this. He we are talking, next thing I know, I'm being shoved against a wall. I couldn't move, Ash. You have to believe me. I wouldn't even think of doing that." you cried. He looked at you with mixed emotions. He out his hands up to his hair and began walking around in circles frustrated. You looked at the limp body on the ground and knelt down to him. "So you do care about him?" Ashton yelled. "I care about you! I'm just making sure he's not dead so you don't go to jail and ruin your life!" you shouted. He put his hands to his mouth and took a step back. You put your ear up to his back to listen to his heartbeat. Luckily, he was still alive. "I-is he d-dead?" Ashton stuttered. You glared at him and said, "Lucky for you, no." He let out a breath he was holding back and said, "Y/N, I'm so sorry. It's just, I come home and some other guy's body is pressed against you and I was picturing the worst in my head. I'm sorry." "You know what? No. You didn't believe me! You know I would never lie to you! You saw my wrists pinned! You saw everything! Yet you still thought I was lying? Talk to me when you aren't being a jerk!" you said and walked away.

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