First Fight

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Calum: You stormed out of the room. All you wanted was to get away from Calum. You heard Calum following after you. "Y/N, wait!" you heard him yell. You then felt him grab your wrist and he turned you around. You tried to break free but he was stronger. He ended up pulling you into his chest for a hug. You tried to push yourself out but your anger turned to tears. You gave up on your escape and just cried into his chest. "Shh. It's okay, babe. I got you." he cooed to you as he stroked you hair. "It's not okay. We're not okay. That fight was about something stupid and I was about to leave the house." His grip tightened as you said that. "Please don't say that. Our fight might have been stupid but I know you would've come back. We're perfectly fine. I love you so much and I have no clue where I'd be without you." "I love you too, Calum" you said as he kissed you on top of your head.

Ashton: I walked out of our bedroom, ready to apologize for getting mad at something stupid again. I walked into the doorway to see Y/N crying on the bed with her phone in her hand. I knocked on the door and she looked up at me, her face puffy and streaked with tears. I smiled and waved awkwardly and walked toward her. She threw her phone away from her and buried her face in a pillow. I sat down next to her and noticed her phone was on. I picked it up to turn it off but noticed she was texting Luke. I rubbed my hand soothingly on her back as I read the messages. "Y/N: I don't know what happened! Ash and I were just talking and then it went to yelling and then I was running out of the room crying. Luke: It's okay. He won't break up with you. He loves you way to much for that. He's probably in one of those moods again. Y/N: I know. I just don't want to lose him." and then their conversation ended. "Babe, I'm sorry. I was stupid for letting it get this far. I love you so so so much. Please forgive me." I said almost in tears. She didn't say anything. She just looked up at me with a distressed look and tears dripping down her face. She moved her face from the pillow to my chest and I pulled her close to me and held her tight.

Luke: You were sitting on the couch when Luke walked in frustrated. "Everything okay?" you asked, already knowing the answer. "Yeah whatever." he grunted. You know better than to know that's true. "Babe, what's bothering you?" you asked clearly concerned. You scooted towards him but he scooted away. "Luke. What's wrong?" I asked again. "Nothing!" he shouted. "Nothing at all! Why would something be wrong?!" he shouted again. Taken back by his words, you quietly spoke. "Luke-" but then he cut you off. "Stop! You wanna know what's wrong? You! You keep bothering me for no reason and it's really annoying!" he hollered at you. Holding back your tears, you screamed back, "If this is what I get for trying to help, then maybe I should leave!" "Maybe you should!" he yelled back. "Fine! Then I will!" and you ran out the door, forgetting your jacket and phone. You were half way down the street when you crouched, covered your head, and started sobbing. You couldn't stop shivering as the snow plowed down on you. You then felt warm hands on your shoulders. You turned around to see Luke looking down at you with tears dripping from his eyes. You stood up and buried your face in his chest. He wrapped his warm arms around your freezing body. "I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean any of that. I'm just really stressed about the new song and I know you were-" "Hey. It's okay. it was my fault. I should've just given you your space. I love you so much." you said. "I love you too. I am so so so sorry though." he said putting his jacket around you to keep you warm.

Michael: You and Michael were on the couch playing video games together. You were winning by 2 points. "Stop cheating!" Michael would laugh every time you killed him. The game ended and you won. "You're such a cheater." Michael said standing up as someone knocked at the door. "I am not!" you said laughing. "You are so!" he laughed back as he paid the pizza guy. "Maybe you're just bad." you giggled back. "Yeah okay. So now you're a liar too?" he said jokingly. I gasped dramatically. He then walked over to you for an apology hug but pushed away jokingly and stubbornly. "Fine. If you don't want a hug, then I guess I have to tickle you!" he said running over to you. You screeched a little when he came running over but immediately started laughing as he tickled your sides. "Mikey stop!" you said in between laughs and breaths. He turned you around and kissed you all in one quick motion. You then kissed him back. "I'm sorry." he said chuckling"

(A/N: what did you think about Michaels? I feel like I didn't make it serious enough but I couldn't think of anything else. But hey! I kept my promise about weekly far. if you have any requests, PLEASE COMMENT THEM!! and ewwwww! I just killed a big flying bug and it started bleeding and ewwww! Also! sorry for the shortness of Calum's and Michael's. I tried to make them even but ya. Also, can I just say? Oh my lord! Camp sucks so far and its only the first day! We got a new lady person and she has no clue how to run it. its really annoying. Also! if you want to read waaaaaay better writing than mine and more 5SOS preferences, read @HakunaHemmings she's a really good writer! Okay! Wattpad is being really annoying right now so I'm gonna be done typing this chapter now. Bye Bye!!)

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