needs to be said

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I have to say this because I see so many people complain about it on other peoples preferences and it gets on my nerves. When people make preferences about famous people such as this one and others, I always see people commenting things like, "Why do you make some chapters so sad?" or "Stop making them seem like such bad people." but the thing is, if we didn't make some chapters sad, then we wont grab people's attention. And we cant make them all happy and unicorns and rainbows. These are supposed to be somewhat realistic. And no matter how much we think it, no one is perfect. Not even Luke. Not even Cal. Not even Ash. Not even Mikey. Everyone has their bad days. Everyone has their bad sides. It's just some people are so good at hiding it. Especially famous people. If they were rude and ugly to everyone, we wouldn't be in love with them. I'm sorry but I just had to point this out. And trust me, I sometimes do it too but then I realize that not everyone is perfect.

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