Valentines Day

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Even though its hella early

Calum: It has been seven months since you guys first started dating. You can't imagine life without him. It was Valentines day and you knew exactly what you were getting him. He wasn't the kind of guy who begged for sex and you were happy about that since the topic made you quite uncomfortable. Calum was the kind of guy who loved you and only you. Well, maybe Michael too but that's only because he's a hella cool cat. But that's besides the point. You were giving Calum and love bracelet, to which you had a matching one, and you were also giving him a homemade coupon book that had coupons for hugs, kisses, cuddle nights, movie nights, and a solo hidden one for sex. You weren't proud of that last one but you were hoping he didn't see it. Once you gave it to him, he flipped open the coupon book straight to that one and smiled. Your face turned hot and you looked away. He chuckled and ripped out the coupon. He waved it in front of your face mockingly and lead you up the stairs. You groaned but followed after him all the way to the bedroom. Once you walked in, you gasped and covered your mouth. On the bed was a huge teddy bear surrounded by rose petals and candles. He walked out of the closet with a bouquet of your favourite flowers and he smiled and looked down. You walked over to him and lifted his chin. He looked up at you with his big puppy eyes and kissed you softly. Little did you know, you completely forgot about the bracelet in the kitchen.

Ashton: We've been dating for two years. I honestly can't remember life before her. She's always been there for me in the hardest of times. Sure, there were our ups and downs but we always made it through.This Valentines day, I wanted her to remember it for the rest our lives. She walked into the house after a long days of work, not expecting me to be home. Little did she know I was hiding in our room with a bouquet of lilies--her favourite flower. I heard her walking up the stairs to our bedroom only to hear her collapse. I peaked out from our room to see her on the floor, half conscious. I dropped the lilies ad ran to her side. "Y/N! What happened?" I asked. "W-what are you doing home?" she stuttered. "That's not important. What's important is that you're on the floor!" I said frantically. She looked up at me and I said quietly, "Well, I guess this would be a bad time to give you your valentines gift." She giggled but shook her head no. I smiled and looked down. I pulled out a box and looked at her. "Y/N, even though you're half unconscious and probably won't remember this, will you marry me?" I asked. I looked at her and noticed she was already unconscious and that's when i smiled but picked her up quickly and drove her to the hospital.

Luke: You didn't really know what to do for valentines day. You and Luke ave been dating for five years and you've run out of ideas. He was going on tour soon so that was also a sad thought. You thought, maybe you could get him a lip ring. Or maybe just get him a picture frame with the two of you in it. You laughed at your thoughts only to be scared of Luke's secret presence. He laughed when he noticed your jumping and walked over to you. "So, what's up?" he said in a sing song voice. "Just thinking of what to get you for Valentines day." you said happily. "Oh you don't have to get me anything. I have everything I want a long as I have you." he said laying down next to you. You blushed at that and nudged his shoulder. "No seriously, what do you want?" you asked. He looked at you and giggled. "What?" you asked confused. "Today's Valentines day, goof." he said showing his dimple. You were shocked. You were a day behind! "Oh my gosh! Are you serious?" you said. He nodded his head but before you could say anything, he lifted your chin and began kissing you carefully. He then pulled you on top of him and then lifted you off the bed. You smiled down at him, knowing what he was doing. He was going to kiss you in every way the characters in books do. He looked up at you and kissed you again. He brought you downstairs and put you on the stairs. He kissed you there and continued doing that all around the house.

Michael: I knew what i was getting her. We've been dating for 3 and a half years. Of course i knew what i was getting her. I was going to get her a large cheese pizza with endless disney movies. I was also going to get her her favourite book and as soon as she opened it, she would see a little hole that would have a ring in it. Yup! That's right people! I'm going to ask her to marry me on valentines day! I really hope she says yes. That's when I heard the front door open. She walked in and smiled largely. I ran up to her and kissed her passionately. She and I both smiled into the kiss. "I have a present for you!" she said. I smiled and said, "Same here." "Okay, on three we'll show each other." she said excitedly. "Okay! One!" "Two!" "Three!" we said at the same time. We both pulled out a pizza box and started giggling. "Well good. I was not gonna make you share but now i have my own!" she said happily. I chuckled and pulled out the collection of disney movies and the book. She gasped and smiled. "Yay! Movie date and a book to go with it!" she said putting down the pizza. She kissed my lips sweetly before I passed her the extra things. I put the pizza down and watched as he confusedly looked at the book. "Mikey. I have like three copies of this." she said holding up the book. "Open it, you dingus." I said playfully. She opened it and tears quickly formed in her eyes. She looked up and nodded. She said yes! Oh my god! I ran and kissed her only to realize that I was crying too. My best friend will now be my wife. And I got a pizza. This is the best Valentines day ever.


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