My drive through was littered with cars and press. I giggled at the usual scene I've been seeing for so many years.

I walked into total mayhem and the devil himself was there. My dad. I tried avoiding him by running after my designer to do my fitting. He caught me and grabbed my arm softly.

I yanked it easily away from him. I saw the pain flash across his eyes.

"Princess, can we talk?" He asked.

"Yes, in the open room and as long as you never call me that again." I said and he obliged. I followed him, closing the door behind myself. I took a seat across from him.

"Are you going to talk because if not I have many tasks to complete as you should know from my former bashes."


"Hey, Dad."

"Hey, Sky Blu." He repeated.

"Come on dad!" I yelled.

"This is what my nurse said to do. I've never been able to reach you and I thought for once I would try. This is all I have."

"Your nurse?" I asked.

"I've been seeking help for my abuse and alcohol." He said wearily.

"That's really good, dad. I'm in a weird way proud of you."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I've been an awful husband and dad to you and your mother. I'm not asking for another chance. I just want to get to know you and I want you to get to know me. The new and improved Ben Waters." He said and I smiled.

"How about you come to my bash tomorrow night?" I invited him and he smiled.

"I'll be there princess."

"Stop calling me that or I'll make sure your names not on the list!" I said hugging him briefly.

"Okay, I'll try."


It's the big day, the biggest day of the year in this little town. I awoke to white chocolate covered strawberries, waffles and bacon strips. My usual birthday breakfast.

I checked my phone. No missed calls or texts. That's not normal. I heard a pelt at my window. I stood up to see Matthew hanging on just about to fall.

"Matthew! This is so dangerous. I'm glad my rooms not on the 4th floor." I said pulling him through my window.

"Good morning babe, Happy Birthday." He said hugging me and kissing my forehead, a bouquet of roses in his hand.

"You are so my Prince Charming." I said smiling up at him.

"Oh, that's not all." He laughed with a smirk following it.

"You must have many tricks up your sleeve." I said questioning him.

"In fact I do." He shot back pulling out another gift. My heart fell out my chest as I saw the two slips of paper in his hand.

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