13. Waking Up In My Head

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13. Waking Up In My Head(Now):

"You" I hiss, my gaze
locked on his now unnaturally tall, twisted figure standing in front of me. The thing he is now cackles; throwing is head of wispy ink black hair back, his mouth stretching slightly and revealing his sharp pointy teeth. His hands, long, clawed and boney, clutch his stomach, his small but over-stretched, body.
"What are you?" I whisper slowly, already backing away into a blankness so full of nothing it chills me to the bone, much more than he does.
"I'm still Reece. The guy who works as a seducer for some assholes. A damn good one too" Reece whispers in my ear, his long thin tongue curving around my ear. I shudder in disgust and my face twists into it as well.
"Fuck off" I spit, pushing him but my hands go through him, leaving nothing but a bit of a thin trail of smoky cloud. What? Ice stabs into my heart, shock eating me up and freezing me completely.
"I'm a shadow, babe. Unlike you- which you'll figure out what that is exactly later" Reece says casually, as if he were talking about the weather. Then he smirks.
"I can touch but not be touched, I can't be seen as anything other than the thing that always follows you around. I'm like the Grim Reaper bitch and its the best thing I've ever been."
I stumble, my eyes most likely as big as saucers and my lips forming a big O. He sighs, his black soulless eyes watching me, his stretched figure towering over me.
"A-am I a ghost?" He cackles again, sharp as his teeth as louder then any scream.
"No" he snorts, than grabs my shoulder, becoming serious " you'll find out soon enough, now look, doll face, we need to go so..."
I nod, still in shock.
What the hell am I?
My gaze shakily travels down, and stops at my hands.
I scream.

Hmmm questions, questions. What is exactly she? What, in this story, really happens when you die? Do you still hate Reece? What's Matt and his little sis going to do?What does she see? So many questions! Do take some time to comment, vote and share around.
This story has just begun. They're will be more action, definitely more romance and heaps more of drama. *faints*

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