A Picnic in the Park.

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The men chomp away at curled sandwiches and pork pies,

while the women digress, mainly to themselves.

The occasional laugh or furtive look, disapproval of something said

and then the pouring of the wine, insufficiently chilled into plastic mugs.

The men stick to beer drunk straight from the can. 

The conversation slips and slides as the alcohol takes effect.

The volume increases to the chagrin of a woman,

sat upon a bench trying to read a book. 

A hostile stare, produces no effect

so she ups and leaves, looking for a more tranquil spot. 

The sun then takes it’s toll as they move into the shade.

The conversation flags as the men stretch out and start to snore.

The women point and wink and make derogatory remarks.

Then all is packed up, the rubbish left behind.

The human detritus of people having a good time. 

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