A Cry in the Night

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The primordial darkness penetrates

each quickening soul as all embracing

nurturing warmth gives way to reaction… 

light, sound, air… 

The profound severance of body from

body, of soul from soul, stimulates the

organs, the senses, the very essence

of existence – chemical reactions, 

interchange of stimuli – awareness…

touch, feel, taste… 

The intrinsic understanding – bonding…

love, friendship, trust… 

The calm resolve, achievement and learning,

independence bought and the daily grind…

work, disappointment, hope… 

Onward the restless forward motion, 

souls grow dim with daily fare, discarding

years in ceaseless abandon as the past

stretches out in oceans of endless care.

Now alone, time rushes by so slow, thoughts

rush in – stagnate. The primordial dark

penetrates the light once more, the sense dims… 

touch, smell, taste…

Inertia seals our fate.  

A lightening flash and all resolves to stillness, to silence.

Symmetry fulfilled, the circles now complete. 

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