Self Interest

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Haunted delusions marching in line,

Heeding each other one at a time.

‘What’s that you say, yes I’m sure that you’re right,”

As they cajole and persuade, turning each day to blight.

‘You see, I might as well listen to them as to you

Then I know that I’m loved and what they say must be true.

They open my eyes you see, show me the danger

Of heeding a God and Christ in his manger.’

Religion stands firm they say, salving the soul,

But the voices they chatter and help fill the hole

They natter and yak, they never leave you alone

Until the voices inside have rammed their point home.

Self delusion you see has always been key

To the worlds many trouble and that includes me.

When Hitler and Stalin tried to conquer all

The voices inside sounded the call.

It’s a very strange thing when we all think we are right

That we all think so differently and are ready to fight.

We need to switch off the voices just for a season

Hear the voices of others and listen to reason.

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