Chaff to the Breeze

78 9 11

A time to hope to love to pray, a time

to wipe a tear away, to say adieu

a firm resolve, a hug, a kiss, a wave;

as leaden boots keep step so brave and turn

the corner no backward gaze or look to 

spare... into the tumultuous din.

It came too soon to lose the child she bore,

to set a childhood free. To lose the smiles

the days the ways to slip maternal love. 

Into the fray of fear, could a mother

hope to see her child returned secure,

the same that went away today into

the rancid jaws of death of bile of hate

of pain... a lingering anguished fate.

Perhaps it was a premonition, perhaps overwhelming love

that made her know her marching son was marching unto death.

She always said in years to come that something died deep inside.

The day she waved adieu to her son, her life... her love... her child.

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