The Sins of the Father

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About suffering, the past is never wrong.

Whether the oozing blood filled killing

fields of Ypes or Passiondale, or refined,

efficient calculation of Treblinka or Dachau.

Or the torturous death of Christian martyrs,

the stories much the same, whatever glorious

name we give, you die but once and man

knows best the many myriad ways... 

The inhumanity of

man on man


age on age,

agony on agony

piling up



on generation. 

‘Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the

children, and upon the children's children...’


stacking up

the blood



of ages past,

men, women,


Tears of loss, voices of despair, echo back through time.

Forever increasing... 

Each day

Each month

Each year. 

Never ceasing for a moment for suffering never needs to rest,

nor takes the time to stop and think.

But always marching ever onward, blind and blinkered, deaf and mute,

feeding on dissolution, pain, degradation, sorrow and destruction absolute.

IncantationsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora