Late Spring.

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The crystalline light of late spring

starkly contrasts each leaf and flower

as every tree re-clothed in green, blossoms

resplendent in satin pinks and creams.

Across the water the sun refracts in shards

of shimmering silver light as a swan with

flapping wings, expands in a flash of purest white.

Blossoms wafting from tree and bower,

hover in the transient breeze, then rest

upon the water in two long extending streaks

of living, undulating pinky cream.

The cyclists race by as the joggers perspire,

rushing through life, so soon to expire.

Then the distillation of a memory regained

within a pungent smell of grass fresh cut,

or the scent of a half remembered flower.

But none more emotive than bracken,

damp in early summer and in flower.

And then chasing, hot, excited, breathless,

through traceried oceans of searing white light,

later turning the shafts to spears and 

hurtling high in the sky, to land and rot,

disregarded, undisturbed to premature

decay, before blindly trudging home to tea. 

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