Over On The Other Side!

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Contrary to opinion, I’m not

really on my own, I have weird folk

inside my head, they just won’t leave me alone.

They natter, they yak, they shout, they cuss

they make me feel quite distressed,

and when I lay down my head at night

they give me little rest.

It’s not that I would mind so much

if they’d only be more polite.

Their minds, you know, are not quite right, 

for they yell and shout and if I shut them out

they yabber away all night.

They say the most outlandish things

and make me feel quite the fool.

I’ve really had enough of this

and hope they might have too. 

To shut them out I take pink pills

which send me all kinds of ills.

As the voices fade out and no longer shout,

I miss them and feel quite forlorn.

For it’s better, by far, having folk in your head,

than a cold and lonely dreary bed

and the roar of a voiceless dawn. 

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