Ode to Music.

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Music – the most healing of all arts.

Each note set free on a sea of sighs,

transcending time, soothing the soul,

each theme lilts, scale upon scale and

hangs in the air, augmented, arranged,

then a foreboding discord, the lights dim,

the motif slips from major to minor and

away over the horizon, a gathering wind.

The care worn mind hangs on every bar,

a fair copy to the anguished soul.

The spirit climbs up into midday

with ‘Post Meridiem’ yet to play.

Shadows gather as the colours fade, 

night chill inevitably follows the day.

And so the mind weaves in and out,

to joy, to loss, to despair and doubt,

all are sent for us to share – only the music lets it out. 

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