"What did I tell you about ruling the school," he pulled back and smirked at me. I smiled at him and shrugged.

"You never said anything about being a prom queen," I teased and he hugged me one last time before stepping back with Chelsea. Keith stood by my side and entwined our hands together as we waved over the students.

"Ladies and gentlemen! This years prom king and queen! Beverly and Keith!" Mr. Hottie announced and he smirked at me. Tsk tsk, flirting with students is not good.

Keith led me down and they cleared up the centre for the royal dance. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me against him as he wrapped his arms around my waist. A romantic song was played by the guest DJ and we danced in sync around the space as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I told you so," Keith whispered and I chuckled. The crowd around us joined in the singing while I glanced up at Keith.

"Told me so what?" I said curious with a smile.

"You will be prom queen," he grinned deeply and I pursed my lips to prevent from grinning as well. One by one, each couple joined in the dancing and we were surrounded by everyone again after a few minutes of being alone and under the spotlight by ourselves.

"Can I cut in?" Tyson smirked at me, Keith glared but pulled away, letting me dance with his best friend while he danced with Tyson's date.

"You look hot Bev," Ty said beside my ear as we were dancing in the small area we have.

"You too but I'm guessing everyone here does," I smiled and he grinned at me.

"Did you answer Keith yet?" I shook my head at his question and his lips scrunched up, revealing his dimples on both cheeks which was cute. "The kid doesn't like to wait," Ty warned me and I chuckled.

"I see," I smirked, glancing at Keith who had a frown on his face which made me smile even wider.

"Let me cut in," I glanced to side and Kent was standing there patiently as he was waiting for Tyson to let go. Ty hand me over to Kent and patted his back before sauntering away from us.

"Congrats prom queen," he flashed me his smirk and this is the first time I saw him without a spike on his hair, and he even looked hotter! His tux suit him well and Kent just really looked like Ken tonight.

"Thanks Ken," I smirked at him and he quirk a brow, confused. So I explained, "you look like Ken, Barbie's boyfriend," I said and he nodded in understanding.

"And you look like Barbie," he smirked and I pushed him away teasingly.

"Are you saying I look fake?" I mocked him and he shook his head furiously in disagreement.

"No! No, no! I didn't mean it to sound that way, I meant you look really beautiful like Barbie but more gorgeous and sexier," he licked his bottom lip, glancing down at my body.

"Shut up Kent!" I rolled my eyes at his compliment and I saw admiration when I glanced at his blue eyes.

"You know, I was gonna ask you to prom but Keith beat me to it," he smiled sadly and I looked at him with awe.

"I'm really sorry," I apologized but he brushed it off.

"No worries, at least I'm dancing with the prom queen right now," his expression changed into a grin and I smiled.

"Well lucky you!" I teased.

"I also have a confession to make," he started and my forehead creased.

"What is this? Confession hour?" I joked and he let out a chuckle. "Go on," I pursued him on confessing and he did.

"I'm not really dumb, in fact I aced all my test in math, I just failed my test that day so you can tutor me and I could be close to you," he said honestly and I looked at him weirdly.

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