5- Cheesiness

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5- Cheesiness

I actually woke up early today because I had a goodnight sleep last night.

I slipped on my slippers and grabbed my towel from the back of my door, heading straight to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth then washed my face before turning the shower on to warm.

I randomly laughed when I remembered last night. When I was fooling around with Keith and all his expressions were priceless. It was like fishing, I was the bait while Keith was the giant fish who lurks under the water, waiting for the right time. Silly boy.

I turned off the shower and wrapped myself around my towel. I glanced at the clock and I only had ten minutes to spare before the first bell rings. Oh well, I'm not punctual so they have to deal with my tardiness.

I blow dried my hair and also did my make up while I was in the bathroom. I winged the ends of my eyeliner and applied two coats of mascara. My cheeks naturally has a blush so I just applied lipgloss lastly to finish up my make up.

Keith and Kent. They're just my friends and I'm sure I'm just their friend too, or am I? Yeah I'm pretty sure were friends. Just friends.

I looked through my closet and pulled out a jean vest and a romper, with matching sandals and arrow necklace. I gave myself a once over and smiled at my outfit, leaving my hair straight at the back.

I grabbed my phone, keys and pursed then head out my dorm room towards building G, where math is being taught. I'm already five minutes late but I'm strolling around like I have no where important to be right now.

I knocked through the door of room M28 but nobody answered so I pounded my fist hard enough to ignore and that's when a young good lookin teacher held the door open for me. He's probably in his mid twenties, just fresh out of university and I checked him out. He has a hot lookin body and I didn't bother hiding that I was checking him out. He cleared his throat, snaping my gaze up to meet his eyes.

"May I help you?" He said and the angels sang down from heaven as his voice was deep and vary masculine.

"Yes, I'm here for math class, Mr.-" I peeked down my schedule to search up his name.

"Mr. Franklin," he helped me out and I nodded. Hallelujah! Thanks mom for giving me a hot teacher!

"Yeah, that's it! Mr. Franklin," talk about Mr. Hottie! I shut my eyes closed as my imagination was running someplace it shouldn't be go. Naughty brain.

"Oh yeah, you must be Beverly Gilmore, your mom- I mean Mrs. Gilmore told me about you," he offered a smile and I did the same. I glanced behind him and majority of the girls was either swooning or was checking out his butt, I smirked but I didn't find Keith in this class so I was a bit dissapointed. What? Was I dissapointed because Keith Yorkley is not in my math class?

All the guys around the room had a bored look on their faces and when they saw me, they all gawked, so basically everyone has been staring at the door way as I'm having a chat with Mr. Hottie.

"Did she say good things about me?" I asked with a smirk and Mr. Hottie let out a chuckle.

"Sure, but she mostly warned me that you're trouble," he smirked back. Oh, is Mr. Professor flirting back to a student?

"Oh I am," I assured him, licking my bottom lip as my gaze drop down his torso. I wonder if he has good abs. Mmm...

"Well come in," he welcomed me in and placed a hand on the small of my back as we cross the room. Yep, definitely flirting. Some guys whistled and cat called on me so I offered each one a seductive smirk that may give them a boner.

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