13- Secret Admirers

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13- Secret Admirers

So far, I'm having a good day cause first, Me and Mrs. Zenatra had a debate about world war 2 and I pretty much won it and I put her to her place. Then at lunch, I got lasagna which is one of my favourite food and of course, Keith paid for it.

I walked in chemistry class just when the bell rang and instantly spotted Keith at our lab area with his head lying down on his arm on the desk, is he sick?

I made a beeline towards Keith and tapped on his shoulder softly that I doubt he even felt it but he did, shockingly. His head snapped up and he locked eyes with me.

"Beverly!" He said cheerily and grinned at me. Nope, not sick at all.

"I thought you weren't feeling well Keith," a blond girl scoffed as she threw me a glare.

"Shut up Sabrina." He glared at her and she flipped her hair over her shoulder. So she's the annoying Sabrina. I flashed her a smirk and sat down beside Keith, placing my purse on the lab table.

"Are you sick?" I asked Keith curiously and he shook his head. "Then why were you lying down your head?" I quirk a brow.

"Because there's too damn many annoying sluts in this class, and I was waiting for you and I didn't wanna have a convo with anyone." he scowled at the girl Sabrina before smirking at me and I just chuckled.

"Smooth," so I'm the one who he was waiting for, nice to know I'm not one of the annoying sluts.

"We'll have an experiment again today," Mr. Montages announced then his eyes landed on our table. "And try to not mess up this time Keith and Beverly," I smiled at him innocently but Keith just grinned deeply, we look like the angel and the devil.

"So there's a party at the cove tonight," Keith whispered to me while I was trying to pay attention at the instructions for the experiment.

"Oh yeah?" I said, glancing at me.

"Yeah, I want you to come with me, everyone's gonna be there," he smirked and I quirk a brow.

"Are both of you paying attention?" Mr. Montages appointed us and I snapped my gaze at the front of the room.

"Yes sir," I replied but he wasn't convinced.

"Add hydrogen, magnesium, fluorine and boron inside your Erlenmeyer flasks and put it under the heat..." He explained and after he finished, everyone got started.

"What time is it?" I asked, wearing my lab coat and goggles. I'm not gonna miss any parties since that's what I came here for.

"At around midnight, I'll pick you up from your room," he grinned and I nodded then we started with our experiment that I hope will not explode this time.

An hour and a half passed by and explosions never happened today in chemistry class and we were surprisingly successful with our experiment.

"So Bev..." Keith trailed off as we walked side by side, heading over to the cafeteria to grab something to eat.

"So Keith..." I mocked him and smiled, he chuckled and stared at me. "What's bugging you? Spill!" I forced him to say it and he looked shy, biting his lip.

"Prom is coming up pretty soon, who are you going with?" I smirked at his question while I looked for something good to snack on through the variety of food infront of me.

"Well I'm not sure yet, no one has asked me to go," this is the moment when I'm expecting him to ask me to go to prom with him, not that I'm waiting for him to do so or anything about it. Psh! Of course not.

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